Korchevsky Yuri gold of the dead nobleman.

Dead gold. Nobleman Yuri Korchevsky

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Title: Gold of the Dead. Nobleman

About the book "Gold of the Dead. Nobleman" Yuri Korchevsky

Andrei Kizhevatov, a former GRU commando, having gone with friends to rest on the Black Sea coast, dived with scuba gear, and surfaced ... at the end of the 17th century! Old Russia, a country of boyars, serfs and archers, was living out its last years. The young sovereign Peter Alekseevich began a war with the Turks and Krymchaks for Azov. In order to survive in the besieged city, Andrei is forced to impersonate a Turk, but could he stand aside when the Russians were dying under the walls of Azov? ..

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Yuri Korchevsky

Dead gold. Nobleman

Chapter 1. Crimea

Andrei woke up with a feeling of something good - it's like the morning of December 31st. You expect a holiday, meeting with friends, a feast, gifts. Today is the last working day, Friday. Then the weekend - and the long-awaited vacation. Hooray!

He recalled that after work he was going to meet with Sergei - to clarify some details. They were going to go on vacation together, the three of them, since Sergey took his girlfriend, Nastya, with him. They met for a long time, and it seems that things were already going to the wedding. But Andrei still couldn’t meet his soul mate.

Sergei had relatives in the Crimea - they decided to give up there. Summer, sun, sea, fruits - what could be better? Yes, and it's cheaper to rest there than on ours. Black Sea coast, cleaner besides. His friends tried to persuade him to rest in Turkey: the water is azure, at a cost no more than our beaches in Sochi, in an all-inclusive hotel. Just warm your belly and eat. But this kind of rest was not for Andrei, he liked active rest more - hunting, traveling. There are plenty of beautiful places in Russia where no human has set foot. And a passport, as in Turkey, is not necessary. And if you don’t want to go to nature, look at the cities. There are plenty of sights in St. Petersburg, or, say, in the same Vladimir, or Yaroslavl. Peterhof will be better than Versailles, but what about Tsarskoye Selo?

The day dragged on slowly. Andrei kept looking at his watch, but the hands seemed to have stopped.

After lunch - to the accounting department, to the cashier - vacation pay and receive a salary. Together, it seemed like a good amount. And, having already phoned on the mobile, to meet with Sergei.

They sat in a small, cozy cafe over a glass of beer, discussed who takes what. There was a lot of cargo: diving equipment, personal items. And the car is small, the "six" VAZ. Fortunately, there are only two sets: Nastya loved to just swim and sunbathe, she did not like scuba diving, it scared her.

Andrei also did not have high hopes for the Crimea. In the beach season, there are a lot of vacationers, the water will be stirred up - it is better to move away from the coast. Only for this a boat is needed, and even better, it should be motorized. But where can I get it?

We decided to leave early in the morning, when there are few cars on the highway. It took half an hour to pack equipment and things, but the salon was almost empty.

Nastya comfortably settled in the back seat.

A few hours later they passed the border with Ukraine near Kharkov. Oh, it’s not for nothing that the local traffic police is called the DAI - the state traffic police. Seeing the Russian numbers, they really milked.

We spent the night between Melitopol and Dzhankoy. Even at night it was warm, it was felt: this is not native Ryazan - the south.

By the evening of the next day they were already in the village near Sevastopol.

Relatives met Sergei and his companions well. Before they had time to drive the car into the yard and unload things, a drink and a snack appeared on the table.

They celebrated until midnight, since the table stood under a light canopy in the yard. The air was clean, sea, saturated with iodine.

Having drunk, Sergey rushed to the sea - to plunge, and he was hardly dissuaded from postponing everything until tomorrow.

In the morning they slept until noon and would still be asleep, but the hostess woke up:

- Get up, the dumplings will be ready now!

Ahhh, what a treat it is - homemade dumplings and sour cream, so thick that a spoon is in the jar!

And only then they went to swim.

Down to the sea, down a steep slope. The path twisted bizarrely, the feet in the shales slipped over the fine gravel.

Along the rocks stretched a flat pebble beach, five to seven meters wide.

Throwing rubberized tourist mats on the pebbles, they entered the water. Throw headlong, did not. Large boulders could be hidden under the smooth surface of the water, the flooded remains of ships - and much more. When diving, we had already seen enough, so we were careful.

And the water is good - clean, warm. They bought happily. There is no sand near the shore, the pebbles are small, so the visibility under water is wonderful. In addition, there are few vacationers, literally a few, and all, judging by the pale skin, visitors. The locals are already tanned almost to blackness, and they occasionally run to swim in the sea. This sea attracts visitors like a magnet.

After swimming, we sunbathed for a quarter of an hour. It wasn’t worth it anymore, you’ll burn yourself to redness, then the skin will come off in layers. It's better to get used to it. The sun in the Crimea is strong, and even reflection from the water.

After dinner they went with their gear. Going down the steep path with a load was inconvenient.

The depths in the Black Sea are small, but it doesn’t matter with fish - everything is small and inedible like greenfinch. You need to go further to the sea.

On the second day they managed to agree with one of local residents to the boat. Not motorized and not sailing - with oars, but even that is better than entering from the shore on pebbles.

The next day they went out on a boat. They rowed together and moved a good mile from the shore. Both - both Sergey and Andrey - immediately pulled on the equipment and went under the water.

Oh, very good! The water is transparent, only at the bottom it is unclear from the rising bottom silt. Yes, and large fish began to come across - like a sea cat, very much like a flounder, only spikes on the side in a row.

Nastya was sunbathing in the boat.

Both emerged almost simultaneously. Sergei held in his hand a copper boatswain's pipe, green with time and water.

– Wow, look what I found at the bottom!

Andrew just chuckled. The bottom is full of good things. It seems that the sea is not deep, but there are enough ships, like submarines and aircraft, at the bottom.

“Rejoice, you stumbled upon the Prince.”

They both laughed - the "Prince Regent" was a Black Sea legend. English steam ship sailing equipment a barque with a carrying capacity of two and a half thousand tons, with a propeller, under the control of Captain Gudel, sank at the entrance to Balaklava Bay during a storm during the Russian-Turkish war in 18 ... year. He was carrying, according to the British, allies of Turkey, ammunition, military equipment, warm clothes and shoes, medicines for hospitals. In general, there was a significant amount of goods on board. But the main thing is that the "Prince" carried a salary to the English troops, and according to some sources - about two hundred thousand English pounds in gold, not counting silver. Not a single ship, with the exception of the Spanish ships carrying Inca gold, has carried such valuables.

In the future, England simply kept silent.

Many people searched for underwater treasure - Russians, Japanese, Soviet EPRON, but no one found anything. They found bombs for cannons and bullets, shoes and ammunition from a discovered, rather badly mutilated ship, which lay at a relatively shallow depth. But there was no gold. But he was transported in strong oak barrels, in the hold. And the kegs should have survived - after all, the ship sank, and did not explode.

Now Andrei was just teasing Sergei, but Nastya did not understand the humor:

What is "Prince"?

“An English ship sank here once, a century and a half ago,” Sergey explained to his girlfriend.

- There, at the bottom, under the boat - the dead? Nastya's eyes widened in horror.

“There aren’t even any bones left in such a long time.” And there is no ship below, - Sergey reassured her.

The dives came to an end, because the air in the cylinders ran out and they had to be taken to Sevastopol for charging.

Both guys sat on the oars. Today they caught fish, and the relative promised to fry it, and fresh mullet is very tasty.

Everyone was tired during the day, because scuba diving takes a lot of energy.

The trip to Sevastopol lasted for a day. Until they found a station on the shore, while they loaded the balloons with air and wandered around the city ... Sevastopol is an old city, famous for its military past, a city of sailors and Russian military glory.

The guides leading groups of tourists around the city, among other things, let the fog in, hanging noodles on their ears and talking about the sunken "Prince" and its innumerable treasures. However, the tourists loved mysticism and legends, sat with pleasure on a bronze chair near Ostap Bender or rubbed the noses of bronze dogs.

Sergei chuckled.

“If only they knew that the gold was withdrawn from the Prince in Constantinople, against receipt from the quartermaster, before the ship moved to the Crimea ...

Although the Black Sea kept many secrets. On the state account in Ukraine, there were two and a half thousand sunken ships, and these are only shipwrecks that have become known. Single ships were sinking, entire squadrons were sinking, such as the Turkish-French-British one off the western coast of Crimea, between the Saaks and Evpatoria. At least a dozen ships from the squadron rested in shallow water, at a depth of 4-6 meters, just 100-200 meters from the coast. And these ships, covered with sand, are well preserved. Here the French corvette "Pluto", the battleship "Henry IV" found its death.

They rested well. Andrei was in Sevastopol for the first time. And even though it was Ukraine, the Russian language was heard everywhere, the military uniform of Russian sailors flashed everywhere. And what was especially pleasing to the heart - the prices are moderate, not like in Gelendzhik or Sochi.

"The gold of the dead. Nobleman" - a book by Yuri Korchevsky, taking the reader to a completely different era, to one of the important events in the history of the Russian state. It is noteworthy that the book is not only good for relaxation, but also contains some historical data, which will be interesting and informative. The author draws a hero in front of readers who knows how to quickly navigate the situation, can find a common language with almost everyone, even if this person is from a different time and class, and this is a great talent. Involuntarily you will be surprised by the resourcefulness and cunning of the protagonist.

Andrei foresaw something pleasant and exciting, and this is not surprising, because he and his friends gathered on the Black Sea. Crimea was chosen as a place of rest, since it was the most convenient option. When we arrived there, we immediately went to explore the area.

Andrey and Sergey love scuba diving, and one day they sailed on a boat away from the coast to look for something interesting in the depths of the sea. Andrei was lucky to find a gold coin that was minted several centuries ago. When he surfaced, he found that there was no boat nearby. At first, he thought that his friends had left him, but when he hardly swam to the shore, he saw that he had sailed somewhere in the wrong direction. Only later did he find out that he was at the end of the 17th century! It was just the same time when Peter I made his trips to Azov. At first, Andrei had to pretend to be a Turk, but he could not stand aside when he knew that Russians were dying under the walls of the fortress.

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