Where are the sandy beaches in Alanya? Alanya beaches: detailed description of the resort coast with photos

All beaches of Alanya in Turkey from west to east (from Antalya towards Mahmutlar). We visited all the beaches of Alanya to write this article. To begin with, I will say that all the beaches of Alanya are in Turkey free, well-groomed, comfortable. Every morning, dozens of employees take to the streets to clean beaches, wash sidewalks, and water plants and flowers. The whole resort looks clean and very beautiful, no worse than in Europe. And if Alanya has gained the reputation of a cheap resort, it is certainly not because it is somehow worse here than in Side or Kemer.

Alanya beaches on the map

All Alanya beaches on the map.

Alanya: Cleopatra Sandy Beach

The first beach, closest to Antalya, is the most famous even outside the resort for its unique sand. To our fastidious eye, the sand here is quite ordinary, not snow-white and not anything special. Just like everywhere else, except there are fewer stones. There are some slabs lying in the sea.

Cleopatra Beach begins from the monument to Alaeddin Keykubat(here you need to go down the steps to the beach) and lasts almost all the way to the fortress (while in the center, to get to the beach, you don’t need to go over the steps). The length of Cleopatra Beach is 2 km, and at first it is quite modest and dull, there are not many people, only cafes and water activities stand alone. Due to its length and openness (there are no bays here), Cleopatra Beach is not protected from waves. All entrances to the beach are numbered.

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Closer to the center, Cleopatra Beach noticeably comes to life, there are more people, the concentration of beautiful people per square meter increases, there is also more infrastructure, a lot of sun loungers. But there are also free areas where you can spread your towel.

There are no hotels on Cleopatra Beach itself, because along the sea there is a beautiful promenade with palm trees and bicycle paths.

So all hotels are at least across the road, but good hotels have their own sun loungers and beach bars on the shore. Along the path there are fountains, sculptures, playgrounds, benches for relaxation, and you can sit in the shade. There are several showers on the beach next to the bars, all of them are free. There are no underground passages to the beach here, unlike Keykubat Beach. So you need to cross the road in any case, but by the way it is not very busy. It is in this area that there are the most hotels and it is noticeable that there is demand here.

Alanya Cleopatra Beach is the most popular in the whole city, that’s for sure. There are no 5-star hotels in Alanya itself; it is still a city, and there is simply nowhere to place luxury resorts in a limited area of ​​the city. For cool hotels you need to go to the neighboring villages of Konakli, Turkler, Avsallar, Okurcalar, but there won’t be such a developed infrastructure around there. Either a good hotel or good infrastructure around. There is plenty of budget accommodation on Cleopatra Beach; hotels closer to the sea are cooler and more expensive. The city is not very far from the sea, so even from the hotel on the last line from the sea, you need to walk no more than a kilometer to the beach.

Alanya beaches, photo: Damlatas

Closer to the city center, Cleopatra Beach smoothly merges into the sandy Alanya Damlatas Beach, named after a cave that was found in the rock here. There is no boundary between the beaches, but it is still noticeably busier here, with many bars, cafes, water activities and, of course, tourists. Each piece of the beach is actively used for different needs.

Near Damlatas beach, the road along the sea goes a little to the side, so here on the beach itself there are several hotels, all of them 4-star. You can access this Alanya beach through numerous restaurants and beach bars.

The views here are much nicer due to the proximity to the cliff. The sand even seemed whiter and finer. It is also here that you can observe pirate ships that depart from the pier on the other side of the mountain. By the way, you can take a boat trip there; if you arrive at 10 am, you will choose from 10 boats, one more beautiful than the other. Cost 15-20 dollars.

Near the mountain on Damlatas beach there is a beach volleyball court, and in the middle of the beach there is a large area for sports games. In general, the whole beach is so sporty, popular and beautiful. What are these white beach beds worth? I really like them. The best beach in Alanya for my taste.

And if you go towards the road, you will find yourself in the green Alanya Belediyesi Ataturk Parki. There is also a lower station nearby, from there you can see cool views of Damlatas beach and the city, and you can climb to the top of the Ich Kale fortress.

Beach near the fortress

I can’t help but tell you that in the very center of Alanya, near the fortress, there is also a small beach. You can reach it from the Red Tower. The beach is rocky and not particularly suitable for swimming. I would say, you don’t buy at all, you just take a plunge and come back out. But the views of the fortress and shipyard here are cool. A great place for a photo shoot, but not very accessible; you’ll have to jump over rocks. You can also enter for free through the pretty stairs in the fortress.

Keykubat Beach

Closer to the center there are several hotels on the beach itself, and then the road goes along the sea, and all the hotels are located across the road, like on Cleopatra Beach. Here begins a new countdown of beaches from 1 to 20.

It is on Keykubat beach that the famous inscription "Alanya", which is impossible to pass by without taking a photo.

The beach is straight, there are no closed bays here, but there are many cafes, bars and water activities. Different sun loungers are different colors and belong to different hotels. The fortress is visible from any point, you can sunbathe and admire the views.

Portacal Beach

Imperceptibly, Alanya Keykubat beach transitions to Portakal beach, the border runs to the place where the Oba River flows into the sea. You will notice it on a small bridge. The entire river is bounded by concrete and flows in a strictly designated place (and by the way, nothing smells bad). This is where the Tosmur district begins. If you walk along the sea, you will not see the boundaries of the beaches.

The only thing is that in the Tosmur area small bays begin, the road goes higher, and you need to go down the steps to the beach. There are underground passages to the beach from hotels and cafes. There are also sandy beaches in Alanya, but with stones that are present at the entrance to the water and in the water.

The depth increases quite sharply, a few meters from the shore, and it’s already deep. But there are also smaller areas. In the bays the waves are much smaller. There are also several wooden piers that extend far into the sea.

Somewhere there are simply descents into the water, and somewhere there are sun loungers. It is in this area that there are many fishermen who fish from piers or rocks. And small fish swim near the stones right near the shore.

The bars on the shore call this beach “Oba Beach”, and on the map handed out in the fortress, there is one continuous beach, Keykubat, on the eastern side of Alanya. In the photo "Oba Beach 15".

These are all the beaches of Alanya and their photos with descriptions from west to east. These are city beaches with the best urban infrastructure. There are no beaches in neighboring villages, such as Incekum, Avsallar, Okudcalar, Turkler, Konakli, Mahmutlar, which are often also called Alanya, and tour operators nicknamed this area “Injekum-Alanya”. But in fact, these beaches are already not the city of Alanya, and villages, you can read about them in other articles.

Alanya beaches: reviews

Which Alanya beach in Turkey is the best?

  • In my opinion, they are all not perfect, somewhere there are stones, somewhere there are slabs in the water, sand mixed with stones and fragments of shells.
  • In terms of beauty, Damlatas beach clearly wins, the rock creates fantastic views, like on the distant islands of Thailand or Vietnam.
  • But among tourists the most popular Cleopatra beach, and it's really not bad, especially for Turkey. But in my fastidious opinion, there are better beaches.

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It is not for nothing that Alanya’s beaches are among the best beaches in the world, suitable for a comfortable and not too expensive holiday all year round. They are truly luxurious, for which they were awarded the Blue Flag. Their picturesque landscape and high quality of service attract tourists from all over the world, but most often it is Russians who can be seen here.

The reason for the popularity of Alanya beaches

Alanya is located 120 km from Antalya, and most of it is located on a high rocky cape. The nature here is completely unique, and the infrastructure is well developed, so vacationers have something to see and do. The Taurus Mountains rise above Alanya, creating the stunning effect of merging fresh sea air with clean mountain air. The local flora is very diverse: cedars, pines, fruit trees, exotic flowers and neat lawns - all this is literally breathtaking and does not allow you to hide your camera for a minute.

Surprisingly, a holiday on the best sandy beaches of Alanya will cost a tourist much less than in many resort towns in Turkey. With such picturesque landscapes and amazingly clean air, local prices almost bring tears of emotion. All vacationers are accommodated in comfortable hotels with professional staff who are ready to fulfill any whim for a nominal fee.

Variety of Alanya beaches

Alanya resort is famous for its clean and large sandy beaches, to which vacationers come from all over the country. This town is suitable for those who do not plan to spend a lot of money on vacation, but still want to relax in style and comfort. The local sandy beaches with a wide shore are considered especially popular.

Alanya beaches can be divided into three categories:

  1. sand;
  2. sand and pebbles;
  3. rocky.

Mostly, vacationers prefer to sunbathe and swim in villages located near Alanya. For example, in the village of Mahmutlar the beaches are very wide and crowded, so they are not suitable for everyone. Here small pebbles mix with white sand. As you approach the city, the beach becomes narrower, and large stone slabs begin to appear along the way. Vacationers sunbathe directly on the slabs, especially when the sand gets too hot.

The large village of Avsallar will delight vacationers with an abundance of various cafes and shops. Here you can buy souvenirs, visit small bays and take a boat ride. Walking around the village of Avsallar is a real pleasure, especially if you are here for the first time. There are never big waves here, so the village is always quiet and peaceful. The coastline here is quite narrow, and the beaches are exclusively sandy.

Alanya beaches

Alanya is rich in a large number and variety of beaches that stretch for many kilometers. The most famous of them is Cleopatra beach- a magnificent sandy beach about 3 km long. According to legends, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra once swam in this bay. Cleopatra Beach is very popular among tourists and has all the necessary infrastructure for a beach holiday.

Near Cleopatra Beach, located Damlatas beach, which is located next to the cave of the same name overlooking the ancient fortress of Alanya. The beach and seabed here are sandy. Entrance to the beach is free, beach services are paid.

The coast of Alanya is divided into western and eastern parts by a mountain with a fortress on top.

In the eastern part is located Keykubat beach. This is a popular beach 3 km long, the shore and seabed are sandy, with occasional patches of small pebbles.

Mahmutlar Beach is located even further east, about 15 km. from Alanya. Its length is several kilometers. The beach itself is wide, the coast and bottom are sandy, with pebbles in places. Admission is free, sun loungers and umbrellas are paid.

Ulas Beach is located in the western part about 5 km from Alanya, near Ulash Park. The path to the sand and pebble beach lies down the stairs from the main road. It is one of the best beaches in the area. The beach is also very often visited by locals.

Beaches of the resort villages of Konakli and Payallar, located 12-15 km. west of Alanya. The beaches are small-pebble; large stones can be found on the beach and in sea water.

- This golden sandy beach is located about 25 km west of Alanya. With its curved bays and large cliffs, it is one of the most popular stretches of coastline on the Turkish Riviera. Incekum offers all holidaymakers crystal clear and turquoise water, sandy beaches, hence the name Incekum (fine sand).

Alanya beaches on the map of Turkey

Beaches of Alanya in Turkey are the main feature of this place. They are located on the Mediterranean Sea and stretch for almost 70 kilometers. The coastline here is not uniform. You can find beaches with golden fine sand, as well as small-pebble, large-pebble, and even rocky beaches. Many of them are marked with the so-called “blue flag”. This label is given only to environmentally friendly beaches.

In the west of Alanya is located, next to which there is a cave with the same name. It is sandy, with convenient entry into the sea. Entrance here is free, but you have to pay for sunbeds and umbrellas.

The famous one is considered the best Cleopatra beach, which comes after "Damlatash". This is the most famous beach in Alanya, which stretches 3 km along the coast. It is covered with fine golden sand, pleasant to the touch, and has convenient entry into the sea. The beach is municipal and therefore entry is free, but if you want to take a sunbed or umbrella, you will have to pay for this pleasure. This holiday destination has many fans among tourists, and some people, when choosing a hotel, are guided by its proximity to it. There are all the conditions for an active and entertaining holiday: scuba diving, catamaran and banana boat rides, it is possible to rent a yacht, and there is also a large number of bars and restaurants nearby where you can have a tasty snack. A legend is associated with the picturesque place, which says that this beach was presented by Mark Antony to the beautiful Queen Cleopatra, and the golden sand on the beach was brought especially for the beauty from Egypt. All tour guides in Alanya tell this story, and that Cleopatra loved to swim in the emerald waters of this beach.

Another quite popular one is. It stretches along the coast for 3 kilometers. Its structure is mainly sandy, with easy entry into the sea, but sometimes small pebbles can be found. Entrance to Keykubat is free, but umbrellas and sunbeds cost money. There are also various water activities and cafes and restaurants nearby.

Further on, a beautiful sandy coastline stretches for 1 km. The entrance to the sea is also sandy, but in some places there are small pebbles. Beach with perfectly clean clear water and very beautiful views of Mount Taurus. You can relax here absolutely free, but if you require additional services, you will have to pay.

23 km from Alanya is located 1 km long. It is recommended for families with children, since the structure of the coastline and bottom is finely sandy, and the entry into the sea is gentle and very comfortable. Incekum is located in a cozy picturesque bay, so there are no big waves and the sea is almost always calm. Entry here is free, but all additional services will have to be paid for.

Five kilometers from the city you can find. This is a paid beach and all entertainment services, umbrellas and sun loungers are also paid. It is perfect for a picnic. The coastline and bottom here have fine sand, which is very convenient and pleasant, and immediately behind it are the ruins of an ancient fortress, which will be interesting to visit.

Another popular beach is 5 km long. It has a sandy structure, in some places sand and pebbles. You will not be charged for entry, but you will have to pay for all the entertainment and additional services. Water activities include catamaran and banana boat rides, water skiing and sailing.

The beaches of Alanya in Turkey will undoubtedly please you and give you a lot of pleasure.

The sandy beach of Avsallar is about 3 kilometers long; along it there are a large number of cafes and restaurants that operate almost around the clock. This beach is well suited for those who like to sunbathe and swim, as well as for those who like to scuba dive or snorkel while admiring the beauty of the sea. On Avsallar beach there are places with a gradual entrance to the sea, which provides excellent opportunities for families with children. Turtles live in this part of the Mediterranean Sea, you can see them even without a mask

Alanya Beach

Alanya's beaches are divided into approximately 20 small sections, controlled by individual owners or local hotels. Each site has its own personal number. The two main beaches of the city are divided into western and eastern parts by a beautiful picturesque cape, which has a height of 250 meters. The eastern beach stretches for 5 kilometers and is a mixture of small, smooth pebbles and sand.

The western part is called Cleopatra Beach. This is a beautiful sandy 2-kilometer beach, which got its name back in 37 BC. e., when Mark Antony, the great Roman commander, as a sign of his love, donated part of Alanya to the beautiful Egyptian queen.

Both beaches can offer you a large amount of entertainment, as well as all the conditions for a wonderful and comfortable holiday. The cost of renting umbrellas and sun loungers is low and the same on both beaches. Whichever you choose, you will be looked after by attentive staff who offer various drinks and snacks from time to time.

Beaches of Okurcalar

Okurcalar is one of the warmest regions of Turkey. It is located on the Mediterranean coast. It’s worth coming here to enjoy the subtropical climate and walk along the clean sand and pebble beach. This wonderful place is an ideal option for a quality and inexpensive holiday.

The beaches of Okrucalar are sand and pebble, the entrance to the water is gentle, and the coastline is very indented. That is why there are so many bays and picturesque bays here. The convenient approach to the water is very popular with families with children; in addition, there is a large amount of entertainment on the beach, from banana boat rides to diving.

The entertainment program includes a variety of sports: tennis, beach soccer and volleyball, billiards, bowling, water polo. In hotels you can go to the gym or fitness club, visit medical centers, Turkish baths and saunas.

The picturesque areas where the hotels are located are covered with flowers and palm trees. Many of them offer their guests not only crowded buildings, but also quiet, cozy bungalows in which it is so good to retire. Most hotels in Okurcalar are located directly on the coast, away from the highway, so nothing will interfere with your relaxing holiday.

Cleopatra Beach

Cleopatra Beach is one of the most romantic beaches in the world, located on the island of Sedir. Once upon a time it became a gift to Cleopatra from Mark Antony, who was passionately in love with her. The sand that covers the coast of the island is also not simple - it is believed that it was brought specially for the queen. As a gift from the crowned husband, the sand does not cause burns, practically does not heat up in the sun, and does not contain dust, thanks to which the water near the beach always remains clean and transparent.

A beautiful-looking legend takes on true colors: not so long ago, scientists proved that this amazing sand, so softly caressing your feet when you step along Cleopatra’s beach, is found only in northern Africa. In all likelihood, it was from there that it was brought as a gift to the captivating queen.

One way or another, the unique sand is considered a national treasure of Turkey and is very strictly protected: for example, you cannot walk on the beach in shoes, and before going back to the city, tourists voluntarily take a shower - apparently, so as not to inadvertently take away a couple of priceless grains of sand. This is such a modern fairy tale!

Mahmutlar Beach

Mahmutlar is a small town that appeared not long ago, 160 km from Antalya and 12 km from Alanya.

There are many beaches throughout the city. Most of the beaches are pebbly, but there are also sandy beaches, but they are mostly private. It is worth noting that all beaches are separated from the city by a highway, so they can only be reached through underground or overground passages.

On all beaches there are many bars and cafes, as well as all kinds of attractions: banana rides, boat rides, slides and much more.

Sights of Alanya