Unusual but true. Inexplicable but true: the most amazing phenomena of the last decade

Incredible but true or it happens (Video)

Thomas McGean was a well-known troublemaker in his town. 1871 - he was accused of shooting a man during a quarrel in a bar. His lawyer, Clement Wallandigem, on the contrary, assured that the man who became the victim, a certain Meyers, accidentally fired himself while trying to pull a gun from his pocket. Wallandigem even arranged for his colleagues a demonstration of how everything happened, that is, a kind of investigative experiment, in modern terms.

The lawyer had previously placed two pistols on his desk, one loaded, the other not. Confused, he grabbed a loaded pistol, put it in his pocket and pulled on the fabric of his trousers. He wanted to present the scene exactly as he thought it was happening. But when he pulled the trigger, the gun fired, just as it had happened to the victim. 12 hours later, Vallandigem died. Incredibly, McGene was acquitted.

Killer salute

1750 - Robert Morris, a major colonial official, had an incredible dream: that he was mortally wounded when the ship, which he was to visit the next day, gave an artillery salute. When he woke up, he was in shock and refused to board the ship. Reassuring the guest, the captain promised that there would be no salute until Morris, after visiting the ship, would descend to the ground. Morris agreed to this condition.

After inspecting the ship, the captain waited until Morris was on the boat, and then gave the order to prepare for a cannon salute. But then a fly landed on his nose, and he raised his hand to drive it away. The commanders mistook his gesture for a signal and fired. A fragment of the cannonball hit Morris, who sailed away in a rowboat only a few meters.

As the saying goes, you can't escape fate.

buried alive

The night after the funeral of her five-year-old son Max, his mother, Mrs. Hoffman, was tormented by nightmares: she saw her son, who was imprisoned. The boy clenched his small hands under his right cheek into fists and tried to escape from the deadly captivity. The woman, waking up from a nightmare, asked her husband to dig a coffin, but he refused, believing that all this was nerves and she simply could not believe in the death of her son. But the next night the woman saw the same nightmare in her dream. And the husband succumbed to her prayer.

They, together with a neighbor, Mr. Hoffman, went to the cemetery at one in the morning and dug up the corpse of a child. The boy was in the same position as his mother had seen him in her nightmare, but showed no signs of life. Nevertheless, they brought him to the doctor, who had previously pronounced him dead. The doctor, not hoping for success, began to resuscitate the boy. After an hour, to their horror, they saw that the child's eyelid was twitching. A week later, Max completely recovered and lived to the respectable age of ninety.

Attend your own funeral

1831 - In England, during a raging typhus epidemic, medical students dug up the corpse of a man who had been buried four days earlier from the grave for a training autopsy. But as soon as the professor made the first incision, the dead man screamed and grabbed the professor by the arm. The events leading up to this man's apparent death were even more mysterious.

The poor Englishman said that, although he was greatly weakened due to the transferred typhus, he never lost consciousness. He could not speak or give any other sign, he had to listen obediently as the doctor announced his death. Lying with his face covered, he listened to how friends and family were killed over him. After surviving the terrible treatment of the gravedigger, he finally heard a knock on wood - it was nails hammered into the lid of the coffin. Crouched in his narrow box, he felt as if his head, arms and legs were being torn off. I also had to listen to the grave words spoken in his own address. Over the next 4 days, he felt and was aware of everything. But when the professor began to cut him, he suddenly managed to scream loudly, as if to break the shackles of death and return to life.

violet scent

After being defeated in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871, Emperor Napoleon III fled to England, where he was granted asylum by Queen Victoria. The emperor's son liked the British so much that he enlisted in the army in South Africa, where in 1879 he was killed in battle with the Zulus. He was buried in the jungle near the battlefield, but no one knew exactly where.

The Empress wanted her son to be buried in the family vault, and therefore went in 1880 with an expedition to Africa in search of a grave. The expedition failed. And when the empress, whose health was undermined by the tropical climate, had already completely abandoned any hope of finding a burial place, she suddenly smelled the scent of violets, the favorite smell of her son's perfume. Using that scent as her guide, she finally found Louis's grave, which was hidden in the thick undergrowth.

Oasis in the middle of the ocean

1881 - Captain Neil Curry, along with his wife, two children and a crew of 32, sailed from Liverpool to San Francisco. Coming up to North America a large fire broke out on board the ship, due to which everyone was forced to leave the ship off the western coast of Mexico. Three lifeboats carried by the waves Pacific Ocean, neither the land nor the passing ship was visible. Soon hunger and thirst took their toll, and already seven castaways lost consciousness. At night, Kerry had a dream that the color of the water had changed from blue to green. He tasted it, and the water was fresh and drinkable. When he woke up, he was surprised to find that the water had actually turned green. And just as in a dream, having gathered the last of his strength, he filled the vessel. The water turned out to be fresh.

Twenty-three days after the shipwreck, Captain Kerry and his men set foot on the Mexican coast. A mysterious oasis of fresh water, which Kerry accidentally discovered in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, saved the shipwrecked.

Incredible Rescue

1828 - A British ship bound for Nova Scotia from Liverpool had been sailing for several weeks icy waters North Atlantic, when senior sailor Robert Bruce saw a stranger in the captain's cabin. He wrote something on the blackboard. Bruce mistook him for a "hare" and followed the captain. Entering the cabin, however, they did not find a stranger there, and on the board they saw the inscription: "Take a course to the northwest."

The captain called the members of the team in turn, and each wrote this sentence on the blackboard. None of them matched the handwriting. Nevertheless, the captain followed the strange advice and changed the course of the ship. Soon a sailor on Mars saw another ship, which, as it turned out, was stuck in the ice. When the crew with the passengers of the ship in distress boarded the British ship, Bruce saw among them the man who wrote on the blackboard. They took a sample of handwriting from him. The handwriting was the same. The man said that shortly before they were wiped out in the ice, he was sleeping. And when he woke up, he had a feeling of confidence that they would be rescued. Apparently, the man left his body in a dream and teleported aboard a British ship to ask for help in advance.

Revenge from the grave

1681 - Jason Graham, a miller from Durham County (England), was visited three times by a woman's ghost. The ghost introduced itself to Gram as Ann Walker and looked disgusting: it was spattered with blood from head to toe, and there were five gaping wounds on its head. She said that she was killed by a certain Mark Sharp, who was persuaded to the crime by his relative, from whom Ann was expecting a child. Now the ghost wanted Graham to tell the story to the authorities.

Graham did not believe that Ann could be anything other than the product of his own excited fantasy, and did not comply with the request. Ann Walker had to appear twice more before the miller went to the local magistrate and pointed out to him the place where the murder victim had been buried. When they began to dig, they actually found a corpse with such wounds as Graham described them. Mark Sharp along with a relative were arrested, convicted and hanged. Ann Walker took her revenge from the other world.

The dead can walk

The mixture of African religions with European Catholicism formed in Haiti a kind of spiritualistic religion, the so-called voodoo cult. The gods of the loa cult endow the priests with special powers, with which they can revive the dead and create soulless automata, zombies from them.

Very often, the reason for the appearance of zombies is unhappy love or unsatisfied feelings of revenge, both of these phenomena play an important role in voodoo rituals. In one case, for example, a priest wanted to possess a young girl who was already engaged to another. She refused, to which the priest responded with a hail of curses. A few days later, the girl fell ill and died under mysterious circumstances. Soon after the funeral, there was a rumor that the girl was seen with a priest, to whom she refused reciprocity. There was no concrete confirmation of the rumors, and the villagers did not check that they may have buried the girl alive. But after a few years, the girl returned to the village and told her family that the priest had turned her into a zombie, but then repented and let her go.

The disappearance of the lake

For hundreds of years, a small lake existed, hiding among the Italian Dolomites. And in July 1980, when people habitually fished and swam, water suddenly rose from the middle of the lake in a spiral column and all went into the sky. Neither hydraulics nor geologists can give an explanation for such a phenomenon.

The man who didn't want to be hanged

Young Will Purvis was convicted of murdering a farmer in a Columbia court. And although he assured everyone of his innocence, twelve jurors found him guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. As Purvis was being escorted out of the courtroom, he shouted to the jury, "I'll outlive you all!"

1894, February 7 - Purvis stood under the gallows with a noose around his neck. When the hatch opened, instead of hanging on a rope with a broken neck, he just fell down. in a mysterious way the knot untied, and the noose simply slid off the condemned man's neck. The knot was tied again and they were going to repeat the execution. But the assembled spectators had a different opinion, in their eyes the salvation of Purvis was a miracle, they believed that he was clearly not destined to die on the gallows. With cries, singing and calls to the Lord, people achieved a reprieve of execution. The suicide bomber's petition for clemency was not considered, and a second execution was scheduled for December 2, 1895. By this time, Purvis was already a celebrity.

Shortly before the second execution, with the help of his supporters, he managed to escape from custody. He was hiding and waiting for the new governor, who was known as a fair man, to take office. In 1896, Purvis turned himself in, and the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. But in 1898, a real stream of petitions poured in asking for the abolition of punishment, and benevolent public opinion nevertheless had its effect. Purvis was pardoned. But only in 1917 was he truly acquitted: a certain Joseph Beard confessed on his deathbed to the crime for which Purvis was almost hanged.

This story has a rather interesting continuation: on October 13, 1938, Purvis died - three days after the last juror who convicted him died. He actually survived them all.

giant rats

Sometimes the vagaries of nature are truly unpredictable. For example, in Iran there are huge rats, some weighing up to ten kilograms, which attack cats and devour them. According to the Kaihan newspaper, these rodents have unusually long hind legs and use them to jump like a kangaroo.

William Jackson, professor of biology at Bowling Green University, compares these monsters to so-called pipe cutters, giant rats from West Africa, which the local population eats as a delicacy. But "Africans" are herbivores, and therefore Jackson cannot understand what these carnivorous Iranian rats are. Aggressiveness in the behavior of rats is something very strange, the professor believes.

Unaffected by the heat

The ability to walk on burning coals can be explained, if we discard the mysticism, by time-limited mental control over pain. But the unique ability of the blacksmith from Denton, Maryland, may serve as proof of the possibility of genuine immunity to heat.

Nathan Coker was born in 1814 in Hillsborough and was a slave to Attorney Purnel. The owner treated the boy cruelly, fed him badly, and it was hunger that opened up an amazing ability in him. One evening, when the cook came out of the kitchen, Nathan quickly put his hand into the cauldron of boiling water, pulled out the scalding dumplings, and began to eat them. And then he realized that he did not feel pain - neither in his arm, nor in his mouth. Now he could, without feeling pain, take hot food and eat it. He drank, for example, fat from the surface of boiling soup and even claimed that cold food hurt him. After the abolition of slavery in the United States, Nathan worked for a blacksmith, where his unique abilities were very useful to him. “I often take out the metal red from the heat from the forge with my hand and do not feel any pain at all,” he said.

News of Nathan's natural gift spread throughout the district, and he was invited to Easton to demonstrate his abilities to prominent citizens, among whom were two newspaper editors and two doctors. In 1871, an article about Coker was published in the New York Herald. According to eyewitnesses, Coker stepped barefoot on a white-hot iron shovel. The shovel, which had cooled down, was heated up again, and he ran his tongue over it. Molten lead was poured into his palm, he took it in his mouth and moved his tongue in front of a stunned audience until the metal solidified.

Each time after the experiment, Nathan was examined by doctors, but no burns were found.

Abraham Lincoln and the Dancing Piano

In the 60s of the last century, spiritualism was so popular that it even attracted the attention of American President Abraham Lincoln. While attending a séance at the home of Mrs. Laurie and her daughter, Mrs. Miller, he witnessed Mrs. Miller playing the piano in a trance while the instrument danced.

As she began to play, the front legs of the piano began to rise and fall in time with the music. One of the guests asked permission to sit on the piano to see if the piano was actually moving by itself. The medium allowed everyone to sit on the instrument. One member of Congress, a judge, and two soldiers from Lincoln's escort checked. Then Mrs. Miller continued to play, and the piano continued to dance to the music.

A mountain of light... or darkness?

The brilliance of the Koh-i-nor diamond hides two legends - that its owner will rule the world and that it should never be worn by a man. "Koh-i-nor" means "mountain of light". But at one time, the diamond caused terrible destruction in two great empires. He appeared among the treasures of the Mughal emperor Mohammed - and he was overthrown. And the Persian Shah is his new owner- died in a palace coup in 1747. A century later, the diamond was the brightest stone on the turban of the leader of the Sikhs, who did not tolerate women in their ranks, and their possessions were conquered by the British, led by Queen Victoria. Since then, the diamond has graced the crowns of three Queens of England. No British king has worn it.

The healing powers of Padre Pio

If an ordinary person suddenly has stigmata, that is, bloody sores of Christ on the body, then Catholics consider such cases as a miracle. A most remarkable case of stigmatism occurred in the city of Loggia (Italy). The Capuchin monk, whose name was Pio, not only had stigmas on his legs and arms, not only a stab wound in his side, he also had the ability to heal the sick with the touch of his hands. So he cured a nine-year-old hunchbacked boy who, after the monk laid his bleeding hand on him, straightened up and lost his hump.

Padre Pio was born in 1887 and only at the age of 28 felt pain in his arms, legs and side, but the doctors could not explain the reasons for their occurrence. After 3 years, when he was praying in front of the altar, he suddenly fell to the ground, writhing in pain. After some time, the brothers in faith found him lying unconscious on the floor, blood flowing from his wounds. It was clear to the monks that these were the wounds of Christ.

Although Padre Pio was revered in Italy, and then throughout the world, he had to constantly meet with a skeptical attitude towards himself. One of these skeptics, Dr. Richardi of small town San Giovanni Rotondo, in the Companyas area, had a brain tumor. He didn't want the healer's help. But when Padre Pio nevertheless came to the sick man, the completely exhausted man willingly agreed to accept healing. Soon the doctor was completely healthy.

Sumerian star maps

The Babylonians were known for their astronomical knowledge, which they achieved millennia before the Copernican scientific revolution in Europe. But now, judging by the recently translated Babylonian texts, it can be argued that this civilization only adopted its vast knowledge from the previous one, the Sumerian. The Babylonians appear to have only used their star charts, although they understood little of the calculations behind them.

This means that the basis for our calendar was created 5,000 years ago by the Sumerians, who already seem to have known that the planets are spherical and move around the sun. Moreover, they knew that the Earth deviates from its own axis during rotation and this changes the position of the North Star. They calculated that it would take this star about 26,000 years to return to its original position. But the most interesting thing is that they accurately calculated the distance between the stars, that is, they possessed information that is especially important for modern astronauts. But why were the Sumerians, who obviously did not possess spacecraft, interested in such information?

Pets predict earthquakes

The Chinese have known for a long time that animals sense the approach of earthquakes. They feel changes in the Earth's magnetic field that precede an approaching disaster, become nervous and often try to hide: in Japan, goldfish tried to jump out of aquariums; in China, birds tried to escape from cages.

Jim Berkland, chief geologist for St. Clara County in California, is convinced of the Chinese method of predicting earthquakes, and his cat ran away before the earthquake. Berkland regularly scans the articles in three major California newspapers about finds and losses. If the number of missing animals increases dramatically, then perhaps an earthquake will happen soon. In addition to the information about animals, he adds information about the activity of geysers and tides, as well as about the positions of the Sun and Moon, and bases his earthquake predictions on all this, while achieving an amazing accuracy of 82%.

Living bridges, lips growing in forests and flying ferrets. Does it happen? Unbelievable but true.

Growing lips

There is no other such plant. "Nature's Kiss" is one of a kind and nowhere else in the flower world is there anything like it. This is psychotria sublime (Psychotria Elata) - a flower in the form of scarlet lips.

The glossy red leaves are the perfect attraction for the plant's main pollinators, butterflies and hummingbirds, which drink the nectar and pass the pollen from flower to flower. "Lips" grow in the forests of Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and are now endangered due to deforestation.

living sheet

2. Either a leaf, or a knot. It is actually a fantastic flat-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus). Its length is about 10 cm. To enhance the already camouflage color, geckos sway a little, resembling a leaf swayed by the wind. In a terrarium where there is no wind, it looks more than funny.

In the ability to imitate fallen leaves, these unique reptiles living in the forests of the island of Madagascar have no equal. Unsurpassed masters of camouflage!

painted mountains

3. Danxia landscape (Chinese for "pink clouds") in China is called a unique type of earth's surface, which is characterized by red sandstones and steep cliffs created by nature. colorful mountains in China, formed from red sandstones and conglomerates from the Cretaceous period (from about 120 million years ago to about 65 million years ago). They contain many dinosaur fossils and plant remains from that period.

Underground caves in Cappadocia

4. Ancient underground caves Cappadocia in what is now Turkey was once inhabited. Steep slopes carved into the soft

the tuff of the premises constituted a whole disguised, secret underworld.

Derinkuyu (tour. Derinkuyu - “deep well”) is an ancient deep multi-tiered underground city. Together with the neighboring city of Kaymakli, it is one

of the best examples of underground residential structures. The city was built in the II-I millennium BC. e, discovered in 1963 and two years later opened for

tourists. For centuries, people have been hiding here from nomadic raids, religious persecution and other dangers. Reaching deep

about 60 m (8 tiers), in ancient times the city could shelter up to 20 thousand people, along with food and livestock. Scientists believe

that now only 10-15% of the entire territory of the city has been explored.

There were all the necessary amenities: living quarters, ventilation shafts and wells, barns and stables, kitchens and dining rooms, bakeries,

oil and grape presses, barns and wine cellars, churches and chapels, as well as workshops where everything needed was made.

There is information that in underground city there was even a cemetery.

Butterflies 88 and 89

5. Kallikora - unusual butterflies that live in Central and South America. Their wings are decorated with numbers - 88 and 89, depending on the subspecies. The natives consider meeting with her a sign of good luck.

Ingrown bicycle

6. This mysterious bike that grew into a tree is located on Vashon Island, Washington. They say that in 1914 the young boy went to war, leaving his "two-wheeled friend" chained to a tree trunk. But this guy never returned from World War I, leaving the tree with no choice but to grow with the bike. Decades have passed, and living and non-living have grown together.

But skeptics of the beautiful fairy tale from American blogs compare the condition of the bicycle with the climate of Vashon Island and say that in a hundred years only hardly identifiable pieces of rusty metal would remain in the tree ...

"Living Bridges"

7. In the area of ​​​​the town of Cherrapunji in northeast India, which is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters and is considered the rainiest place on Earth, bridges grow from the roots of rubber ficus. The process of "construction" lasts 10-15 years. Living bridges can be up to 30 meters long and can support the weight of more than 50 people.

Weasel flying on a woodpecker

8. In one of the British parks, the photographer managed to capture an amazing scene: a woodpecker flying with a caress on his back. And although it looked funny, in reality it was about the survival of the woodpecker. Weasels feed on small rodents and birds, and if the woodpecker had not found an opportunity to throw the predator off its back, it would have cut its throat.

Approximately 20 meters from the observers, the bird landed. Freed from the dangerous burden, the woodpecker took off and disappeared into the branches of the tree.

snow pipes

9. These smoking pipes form in harsh areas with volcanic activity. In the arctic regions, steam rising from the ground freezes, forming snow pipes around the volcanic vent. Looks very fabulous.

The snake is not a snake

10. This is a caterpillar. But at the moment of threat, she turns into a snake, skillfully imitating her appearance and movements, retracting her legs and inflating her head. Clinging to the tree with its hind legs, it raises the front of the body and bends like a poisonous snake preparing to throw. The triangular head, ferocious eyes, and gleaming scales all create a menacing enough look that often scares off potential enemies. Who will mess with such a "predator"?

Goats on a tree

11. Gone in these photos may seem photoshopped, but in Morocco there really are goats that can climb trees. There is little pasture in this country, and hungry animals have to "graze" on trees called Argan.

Living bridges, lips growing in forests and flying ferrets. Does it happen? Unbelievable but true.

Growing lips

There is no other such plant. "Nature's Kiss" is one of a kind and nowhere else in the flower world is there anything like it. This is psychotria sublime (Psychotria Elata) - a flower in the form of scarlet lips.
The glossy red leaves are the perfect attraction for the plant's main pollinators, butterflies and hummingbirds, which drink the nectar and pass the pollen from flower to flower. "Lips" grow in the forests of Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and are now endangered due to deforestation.

living sheet

Either a leaf, or a knot. It is actually a fantastic flat-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus). Its length is about 10 cm. To enhance the already camouflage color, geckos sway a little, resembling a leaf swayed by the wind. In a terrarium where there is no wind, it looks more than funny.
In the ability to imitate fallen leaves, these unique reptiles living in the forests of the island of Madagascar have no equal. Unsurpassed masters of camouflage!

painted mountains

The Danxia landscape (Chinese for "pink clouds") in China is a unique type of earth's surface, which is characterized by red sandstones and steep cliffs created by nature. The colorful mountains in China were formed from red sandstones and conglomerates from the Cretaceous period (from about 120 million years ago to about 65 million years ago). They contain many dinosaur fossils and plant remains from that period.

Underground caves in Cappadocia

The ancient underground caves of Cappadocia in what is now Turkey were once inhabited. Steep slopes, hollowed out in soft tuff rooms made up a whole disguised, secret underground world.
Derinkuyu (tour. Derinkuyu - “deep well”) is an ancient deep multi-tiered underground city. Together with the neighboring city of Kaymakli, this is one of the best examples of underground residential structures. The city was built in the II-I millennium BC. e, discovered in 1963 and two years later opened to tourists. For centuries, people have been hiding here from nomadic raids, religious persecution and other dangers. Reaching a depth of about 60 m (8 tiers), in ancient times the city could shelter up to 20 thousand people, along with food and livestock. Scientists believe that only 10-15% of the entire territory of the city has now been explored.
There were all the necessary amenities: living quarters, ventilation shafts and wells, barns and stables, kitchens and dining rooms, bakeries, oil and grape presses, barns and wine cellars, churches and chapels, as well as workshops where everything needed was made. There is evidence that there was even a cemetery in the underground city.

Butterflies 88 and 895.

Callicores are unusual butterflies that live in Central and South America. Their wings are decorated with numbers - 88 and 89, depending on the subspecies. The natives consider meeting with her a sign of good luck.

Ingrown bike

This mysterious bike is embedded in a tree on Vashon Island, Washington. They say that in 1914 the young boy went to war, leaving his "two-wheeled friend" chained to a tree trunk. But this guy never returned from World War I, leaving the tree with no choice but to grow with the bike. Decades have passed, and living and non-living have grown together.
But skeptics of the beautiful fairy tale from American blogs compare the condition of the bicycle with the climate of Vashon Island and say that in a hundred years only hardly identifiable pieces of rusty metal would remain in the tree ...

"Living Bridges"

In the area of ​​​​the town of Cherrapunji in northeast India, which is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters and is considered the rainiest place on Earth, bridges grow from the roots of rubber ficus. The process of "construction" lasts 10-15 years. Living bridges can be up to 30 meters long and can support the weight of more than 50 people.

Weasel flying on a woodpecker

In one of the British parks, the photographer managed to capture an amazing scene: a woodpecker flying with a weasel on its back. And although it looked funny, in reality it was about the survival of the woodpecker. Weasels feed on small rodents and birds, and if the woodpecker had not found an opportunity to throw the predator off its back, it would have cut its throat.
Approximately 20 meters from the observers, the bird landed. Freed from the dangerous burden, the woodpecker took off and disappeared into the branches of the tree.

snow pipes

These smoking chimneys form in harsh areas with volcanic activity. In the arctic regions, steam rising from the ground freezes, forming snow pipes around the volcanic vent. Looks very fabulous.

The snake is not a snake

This is a caterpillar. But at the moment of threat, she turns into a snake, skillfully imitating her appearance and movements, retracting her legs and inflating her head. Clinging to the tree with its hind legs, it raises the front of the body and bends like a poisonous snake preparing to throw. The triangular head, ferocious eyes, and gleaming scales all create a menacing enough look that often scares off potential enemies. Who will mess with such a "predator"?

Goats on a tree

What you see in these photos may seem photoshopped, but goats do live in Morocco, which can climb trees. There is little pasture in this country, and hungry animals have to "graze" on trees called Argan.

One day you will wake up and you won't recognize yourself... You will hear what the neighbors behind the wall are whispering about in the bed. Remember every word of the article you read briefly yesterday. You will see water dripping in the kitchen. Nothing surprising. You have become superhuman! Unreal? Really! In the program "Inexplicable, but a fact" on the TNT channel, you could only look at it. And now you can learn all this. Myself. With the help of this book. However… Perhaps you are already a psychic, you just don't know about it.

A documentary book dedicated to the superpowers of man. Five main topics are revealed: extrasensory perception, the magic of power and influence on people, developed human feelings, the achievement of immortality, and healers. All chapters are linked in a logical chain by the research of the author of the book and complement each other.

According to the plot of the book, the author makes a detailed study of each topic, trying to separate reality from fiction, to show that, despite the huge number of misconceptions, something unusual really exists.

In addition, since the author is trying to prove the reality of this or that phenomenon, he invites the reader to check it all for himself, describing a variety of training exercises and tests. This moment will allow the reader to touch the topic personally. This is probably one of the most curious parts of the book. Moreover, most of these exercises and tests are described for the first time and open a person's eyes to their real possibilities, which, as it turns out, are not always far from fantastic limits. Practical possibilities for most topics can also be traced in the descriptions of the experiences of the author himself, who during his life managed to try a lot of things like that.

The main informational emphasis is not on widely known facts, but on those that have not yet been worked out in various kinds of television programs, including “Inexplicably, but a fact”, and books, that is, events of the most recent vulgar and even happening at the moment.

The main feature is the description of all topics as objectively as possible. Since there is a lot of deception in this direction, most of the book describes real cases and abilities, and charlatans and their revelations take up a minimum of space, and they are only discussed if it looks sensational. This approach allows anyone to read this book, both a believer in all miracles and a pragmatist who perceives nothing without proper evidence.


"Inexplicable but the fact":


Do you want to know who you were in a past life? Are you scratching your head over your next dream? I wonder if there is life after death? Then read the second book by Mikhail Raduga "Mysteries of Man" based on the popular TV program "Inexplicable, but Fact". Sensational revelations of people who survived clinical death, practical advice how to unleash the ability to see through walls and memorize kilometers of texts. Be the first to know about it from the book - deciphering the riddles of man!

Documentary informative book about the mysteries of the human being and his nature. The book is devoted to several specific topics: clinical death and experiences during this process, reincarnation and the role of the human will in it, the brutality of people in the wild, the mysteries of suicides and the practical development of prophetic dreams.

A separate chapter is devoted to each topic, but all of them are closely intertwined with each other and make up the big picture. The author sets his goal not only to tell in the most curious and new way about known phenomena, but also to create from them general description man, as a multi-structured being, where every detail can respond to another, seemed to be completely unrelated.

Of paramount importance in a book about the riddles of man is given to that knowledge and information that will be useful to the reader regarding himself. This is a lot of applied practical information. These are tests that allow a person to see from the outside what he is and assess his opportunities and dangers.

Since many of the issues described in the book, one way or another, have already been voiced by other authors and the media more than once, the author approached them from the newest and most interesting side, citing many new and few known facts which draw, at times, completely different conclusions than is commonly believed.

Another feature of the book for the TV show "Inexplicable, but a fact" is an extremely pragmatic and, at the same time, not at all skeptical approach to describing most of the controversial phenomena. After reading the book, a person will not receive any unconfirmed knowledge. He will not be inspired by any stupidity, and at the same time he will have the whole range of related knowledge, allowing him to draw the most objective conclusions for himself. To achieve this, the author replaces the common fantastic nonsense with no less amazing and more proven facts. However, there is no strong pressure on the views of a person, which allows both skeptics and occultists to read the book with interest.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

Unknown nature

Ask in the nearest stores (BOOK MAP)!

According to the author, there is nothing more mysterious and mysterious than the phenomena that we encounter in everyday life. Our world, in its key properties, represents the most important mystery for the human mind and modern civilization.

Mikhail Raduga, founder of the Center for Out-of-Body Travel, is attempting to understand natural phenomena, which for decades have aroused the constant interest of mankind:

- the secrets of unique place on planet Earth - Lake Baikal;
- riddles of water and a story about its true possibilities;
- the "endless" end of the world - why it never comes;
- ominous dead places in all corners of the world;
— new alternative energy sources based on natural resources.

The book, created for the television program "Inexplicable but true" provides fascinating and little known facts about the unknown nature of the planet Earth. The author considers phenomena from all sides, taking into account the latest relevant research in this area.

Supplement the theory with practical tasks. You will be able to predict when to wait for the end of the world and how to prepare for it in order to survive in the most catastrophic conditions. You will learn where black spots exist on Earth and how they can be identified in order to avoid a tragic encounter with them. You will learn how to program water, which is real even from the point of view of the most rational and scientific views on life and its properties.

Perhaps this and much more will make you even closer to a perfect and developed person who is aware of his role and place in the world around him.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

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What is a UFO and where to look for it? Why are we ourselves aliens? Why is the Criminal Code involved in the story of the humanoid Alyoshenka? What is the soul and how to communicate with spirits? Who invented Satan and what is the mystery of the numbers 13 and 666? Where to look for lost and Parallel Worlds? When will the Matrix be created? The reader will find answers to all these questions in the new book from the Inexplicable but True series. As well as the facts of living on the Moon and Mars of a different mind, the most haunted places, a real way to see the deceased and much, much more based on the latest discoveries and research of the author.

A non-fiction book describing the author's research into issues of the unknown such as extraterrestrial intelligence, ghosts, and spiritualism. The peculiarity of the book lies in several basic principles: exclusively the newest facts or poorly known details of hackneyed stories, an absolutely sober and rational approach, innovation in relation to many theories and views on them.

In the first half of the book, in its first two chapters, the greatest bias is made towards questions that are somehow connected with extraterrestrial intelligence. These are all known and there are no theories to explain the phenomenon. This is a mass of little-known and studied facts on this issue. These are new ideas and assumptions. A separate conversation is about the concept of "Kyshtym humanoid", in which the author found the answer to all questions, using only verifiable and logically justified conclusions and research methods.

In the second half of the book, the focus is on the study of cases and theories regarding otherworldly creatures: ghosts, ghosts, brownies, poltergeists, and many others. The author relies only on the most proven and sober theories and facts, based on his ideas, which he directly states in the book.

The nature of the content and description of the book is designed to be of interest to any person, both mystic and pragmatist. The point is one main factor: the author approaches facts and theories very critically, passing them through the prism of a scientific and rational view, which allows you to filter out all the nonsense, but leave those rare pearls that are true and real confirmation of the existence of supernatural phenomena that are not subject to easy and clear explanations.

It is especially worth noting that the entire book is far from being a source of endless information torn off from a human being. On the contrary, in many moments it contains practical information. Not only does a person get into the essence of the issues under consideration as much as possible and feel his involvement in them, a lot of tests are offered to his attention, which always open a person’s eyes to his real capabilities and characteristics, which cannot but be interesting.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

Ask in the nearest stores (BOOK MAP)!

The familiar world around us carries in its usual manifestations much more surprising and truly unknown than we think. It is enough just to take a closer look at the essence and collect the most incredible, but completely real information, which the author of the book did in the wake of the unique program “Inexplicable, but Fact”.

In this book, Mikhail Raduga, a researcher of the unknown, has focused his attention on such natural, social and environmental phenomena as the end of the world, dead places on Earth, the mysteries of water, the supernatural mysteries of Lake Baikal and new sources of energy. The reader, in addition to cognitive information, will find a number of practical knowledge and pass many tests that determine his personal attitude to a particular issue.

An informative documentary book dedicated to the most general and close to nature phenomena of an unknown and extremely curious nature. In working on it, the author was guided by exceptionally sober and reasonable approaches, facts and theories, which ultimately gave a completely balanced result, not containing utter nonsense, but not related to complete nihilism in relation to inexplicable phenomena. In addition, the book is built on the principle that the information described in it necessarily carries new information that has not been described anywhere and has not yet managed to enter the archives of the unknown.

The chapters of the book, which is the fifth continuation of the series about the inexplicable, written for the program "Unexplainable, but a fact", are devoted to the widest range of general natural phenomena that can have a universal and universal scale. Moreover, the story begins with the most burning issue that has been worrying mankind for more than one thousand years - the end of the world. In this context, many cases and specific dates are described when in the past they were waiting and only in the future they are waiting for this catastrophic event. Also, attention is paid to common earthly problems, often of an ecological, cosmic or social nature, which can lead to the very real end of the world without any mystical and phantasmagoric views, but only from the point of view of common sense.

In addition, issues are considered black spots in nature, their explanations, types and places of localization. No less attention is paid to the energy problem, which is so exciting for the whole world in the new millennium, and which is becoming more and more an edge for many states. In this context, many ideas are considered, sometimes of a crazy nature, for the implementation of new sources that no one even suspected.

However, the focus of the book is on water. This moment is considered in two chapters at once: about water in a general sense and about amazing lake Baikal, its secrets, properties and fantastic mysteries. As for the chapter on water, it focuses on its role in the world and in human civilization. Both fantastic and quite descriptive and known to science information are described, the knowledge of which alone can cause extreme surprise to an ignorant person.

The ideology of the book rests on the plausibility of the data contained in it, which excludes misleading the reader. It is densely saturated with the most diverse and sometimes incredible practical information that a person can use in his daily life. It also has a lot of tests that give each reader the opportunity to assess their role in relation to the issues that are considered.

A secret they tried to hide? Freighter SS Ourang Medan

The history of the cargo ship Orange Medan (SS Ourang Medan) began in 1947, when two American ships heading to Malaysia received an SOS signal at once. A man called for help, introducing himself as a member of the crew of the Dutch ship Orange Medan. The man shouted: "Everyone is dead and soon it will come for me." Then a strange noise entered the transmission and the sailor said: "I'm dead" ...

American ships immediately went to help the ship in distress. The bodies of all crew members were found aboard the Orange Medan. On faces dead people the expression of horror froze, and the glazed eyes were wide open. Many died with their hands held out in front of them, and it was clear that they were defending themselves from something. When examining the bodies, it was found that all the crew members died about 6-8 hours ago, but despite this, the temperature of their bodies exceeded 40 degrees Celsius.

It was decided to tow the ship Orange Medan to the port for further examination, but a few minutes later a fire broke out on board and members of the rescue team were forced to leave it. Immediately after that, an explosion thundered and Orange Medan went to the bottom.

The theory was put forward that the whole story was a hoax and no Orange Medan existed, because. no record of this ship was found in the Lloyd's Insurance Register, which must include all ships engaged in international maritime transport. As a result, the whole story was recognized as a hoax. Although there are many facts to the contrary, several people are known for certain who claimed that their relatives were hired on board a ship called the Orange Medan and disappeared.

In memory of the mysterious ship, only one photograph remained, which was taken by the wife of one of the crew members.

Zombie named Felicia

In 1907, after a short illness, which, according to local Haitian beliefs, is similar to turning a person into a zombie, a certain Felicia Felix-Mentor died. And already in 1936, the same woman was found on the street, dressed in rags according to some sources, and according to others she was completely naked. Despite some disagreement, all eyewitnesses claimed that the woman was covered from head to toe in silt. The lady, closing her eyes and muttering inarticulate phrases under her breath, dragged her mortal body towards the farm, which once belonged to her father. In a living corpse locals Filicia Felix-Mentor, who was buried 29 years ago, was recognized; the identity of the lady was confirmed by her widowed husband.

The woman was immediately placed in a psycho. hospital, where, according to some, she lived the rest of her life, and according to others, one fine day she simply disappeared from the room upholstered in felt. The report from her attending physician states: “The patient suffers from a manic-depressive disorder and uncontrollable fits of laughter. A woman talks about herself either in the third or in the first person and is constantly confused about dates and events. In moments of clarity of consciousness, she said that it was now 1906 and begged to let her go home to her husband.

One more interesting fact, according to the X-ray examination, her skeleton was in excellent condition, and this despite the fact that the real Felicia had a broken leg in two places. Other examinations also did not reveal any anomalies, except that the woman was in excellent physical shape and was ... a virgin, several scars on her body also disappeared without a trace. “You get the impression that this middle-aged woman was born a few weeks ago,” a doctor who examined Filicia once said.

The mentally ill patient was recognized as a close relative of Filicia Felix-Mentor, despite the fact that the woman's identity was confirmed by her husband and the fact that Filicia was the only child in the family.

Remember everything

One fine morning in 1930, a four-year-old Indian girl Shanti Diva (or Deva (Shanti Deva)) from Delhi told her parents that in a past life her name was Ludgi and she lived in the city of Mathura with her husband. Parents attributed this to a childhood fantasy, but the baby with enviable constancy reminded her parents of her past and each time added more and more new details, so one day she said that she had three children, two of whom died during childbirth.

Worried about the mental state of the child, the father of the family found out that in the city of Mathura there really lived a woman named Ludgi, who died 4 years ago. The parents decided to fulfill Shanti's whim and took her to Mathura. Upon arrival, the girl immediately found the house where Ludgi lived and introduced her parents to her “husband” and child, and also pointed out several details of the life of the deceased woman, which only the relatives of the deceased knew about. After such cases, you begin to believe in crazy theories about rebirth.

The mystery of one photo or the ghost of Mr. Jackson

This unusual and even slightly frightening photograph was taken in 1919. After 44 years, this picture became widely known thanks to a retired British Air Force officer, Victor Goddard, who sent it to the editor of one of the newspapers. The group photo shows the crew members of the warship Daedalus, who were under Victor's command. The red circle marks mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before the photo was taken. Victor says that the funeral ceremony took place exactly on the day the photographer took the picture, which is why everyone has such gloomy faces in the photo.

cursed bridge

Overtoun Bridge is an ordinary arched bridge in Scotland, which was built in 1859. Overtun gained fame thanks to dogs that, for several decades, end their lives by jumping from this architectural structure. The first case of dog suicide was recorded in 1951, by 1955 there were already more than 48 similar cases, in the same year it was found that mainly dogs with long muzzles jump from the bridge. For most of the animals, a jump from a 15-meter height ended in death, but some survived and, after recovery, came back to the bridge to complete what they had begun. Another interesting fact is that dogs do not jump anyhow, and not anyhow from where: a favorite place for jumping is between the last two spans on the right side, from where our four-legged friends throw themselves upside down and nothing else.

Local residents immediately dubbed the bridge cursed and began to bypass it. In 1994, a terrible bridge took the first human life: a father who had lost his mind threw his child off it, and then he himself went after him.

The phenomenon received international attention and the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals sent a representative to investigate. Expert ethologist (specialist in animal behavior) David Sexton found that the undergrowth under the bridge is simply teeming with mice. And as you know, the smell of these animals greatly affects the behavior of dogs and cats. Sexton conducted an experiment: he spread the smell of three types of mice found on the Overtoon Bridge and observed the behavior of dogs. As a result, only two dogs out of 30 did not show any interest in the mouse scent, while the rest ran mindlessly to the place where the stench spread. “There is no mysticism here: dogs just run to the smell - this is their nature,” says David Sexton.

Ghost ship Mary Celeste

Without a doubt, the most famous ghost ship is the Mary Celeste, a merchant ship that was found abandoned and drifting in the waters. Atlantic Ocean in 1872. The ship was in excellent condition, the holds were filled with fresh food and goods. No trace of the crew was ever found, and the presence of 1,500 barrels of the purest alcohol on board eliminates the possibility that the ship was attacked by pirates.

The ship Mary Celeste was launched in 1860, the next 10 years the ship changed its owners with enviable constancy, and in the end it was bought for $ 3,000 by Captain Benjamin Briggs. On November 7, 1872, Mary Celeste left the port of New York. On board were Captain Briggs, his daughter and his wife, and a crew of 10 sailors. Since then, no one has seen them. It was not possible to find a logbook on the ghost ship, and two lifeboats were also missing, which were found in 1873 off the coast of Spain, one contained a body wrapped in an American flag, the other contained 5 more dead people who could not be identified. There were no women or children among the corpses.

sealand skull

Who owns such an unusual skull... A prehistoric animal, an alien, or maybe one of our ancestors at a certain stage of evolution? I think any person will ask these questions when they see the mysterious Sealand skull.

The skull was discovered in 2007 in the Danish village of Olstikke on the island of Sealand, but despite this, the find was kept in the strictest confidence until 2010. Researchers at the Veterinarian High School in Copenhagen, who examined the skull in 2008, concluded that it most likely belonged to an unknown species of highly intelligent mammal. Radiocarbon dating has shown that its owner lived between 1200 and 1280 AD.

The Sealand skull is almost 1.5 times larger than a human one and its most prominent part is its huge eye sockets. Scientists suggest that this creature could see well in the dark. According to the structure of the skull, scientists determined that the creature walked on its hind legs, swam very well and was 3 meters tall. The structure of the teeth indicates that the owner of the skull was a predator. Unfortunately, the Sealand skull did not give out any more information about its owner.


Looking at this photograph from 1940, you will hardly notice one fashionista among hundreds of people in sunglasses, a T-shirt with an emblem printed on it and a portable camera. It is not clear how our contemporary wormed his way among the respectable inhabitants of that era and why no one pays attention to him? The photo was taken at the opening of the Museum of Canada, where it is kept to this day. Skeptics say: "Deception, Photoshop ... this simply cannot be!".

But I repeat, the photograph was taken in 1940 and took pride of place among the exhibits of the museum in 1941, and most importantly, all this time a time traveler was present on it, so there can be no question of a fake. Despite the facts, the photo was subjected to examinations several times, which confirmed that no montage was found in the photograph.

The Snow Queen

19-year-old Jean Hilliard was a completely ordinary girl, until one incident turned her whole life upside down and made her the most unique person in the world. It happened in hometown Jin - Langby, Minisota. A neighbor found a girl lying on the street at 25 degrees below zero. When she was taken to the hospital, the doctor was shocked by what he saw: the girl's body was literally frozen. One of the nurses later said: "It was like I put my hands in the freezer when I touched this poor girl."

The doctor said that this was an unprecedented case and there was nothing he could do, so all Jean's relatives and friends gathered at the hospital and began to pray. And oddly enough, it worked, because. a month later our The Snow Queen' fully recovered. The icing did not cause any damage to her body, and even frostbitten limbs did not have to be amputated. Doctors called it a miracle, and local fanatics dubbed Jean a saint.

But what really happened here? Was it the power of prayer, a medical miracle, or a new stage in human evolution. Some animals are known to be able to go into hibernation at low temperatures... maybe Jean is one of them?

The Ghost of Vem Town Hall

In the town hall engulfed in fire, the photographer captured a little girl. This chilling shot was taken by Tony O'Railly as he stood in a crowd of onlookers watching the Wem town hall burn down. The photo was taken in November 1995 and published at the same time.

Birth of a legend.

15 years later, a 77-year-old pensioner, Brian Lear, said that he had found on one of the old postcards a girl similar to the one in the Vem town hall. By the way, the postcard is dated 1922… can you smell the intrigue?

"I was shocked when, while sorting things out, I found this old postcard, which showed a ghost girl from Vem Town Hall,” says the pensioner. “On closer inspection, you can see that they are even dressed the same and it’s really scary.”

This photo shook all the pillars of knowledge about the supernatural and caused a real international outcry. The newspapers even reported that this 14-year-old girl's name is Jane Charm, she is 14 years old and through her fault the same town hall caught fire in 1677. The cause of the 1995 fire has remained a mystery.

The photographer who took this photograph, Tony O'Railly, died in 2005, when on Halloween the kids decided to play a trick on the eccentric old man and, having dressed up one of the procession participants in the ghost girl from the picture, went to his house. Opening the door and seeing on the threshold the pale girl in the photograph demanding sweets, Mr. O'Railly clutched his heart and fell dead.

An examination of the photograph in 1998 showed that there was no photomontage on it.


"Today I can confidently say that the photo of the ghost of the Vem Mosque is a hoax," says Greg Hobson, curator of photography at the National Media Museum. The technique by which this photograph was taken is similar to that used by mediums in the 19th century, who supposedly could capture a dead person with whom they came into contact.

And it was done like this: mediums asked relatives for a photograph of the deceased, which was fixed in front of the camera lens. The shooting was carried out in a dark room and, as a result, the contours of the image from the photograph were partially “imprinted” on the camera lenses. When relatives came to a charlatan for advice in again, he offered them for a certain amount of money to take a photograph of the deceased, which no longer posed any problem, because. the new image was superimposed on the "imprint" from the lenses. That's how these incredibly believable ghost photos came to be.