The largest pyramid in China. The secrets of the Chinese pyramids - why are tourists not allowed there? The discovery of the American pilot was the most informative, but they preferred to classify it

white pyramid

Hausdorff's book, published in 1994 and dedicated to the mysteries that Chinese history hides, was called The White Pyramid. The title of the book refers the reader to a story that happened during the Second World War. During a routine flight from India to China, American aviator James Gaussmann experienced engine problems and had to descend. He later recalled: “I turned away to avoid a collision with a mountain, and soon a spacious plain opened up before us. Directly below us was a gigantic white pyramid. It looked like some sort of fairy tale building. She shone with a dazzling whiteness. It could be some kind of metal or a special stone. She was white on all sides. I especially remember its top: there was a huge piece of something that looked like gem possibly crystal. There was no way for us to sit in that place even though we wanted to. We were all struck by the sheer size of this thing…”

The pilot flew around the mysterious structure three times, but did not find a place where he could land, so he again headed for Assam, marking the location of the object on the map. This report was first published in the already mentioned book by Bruce Casey. True, it does not say how the Gaussmann report got to Casey, which by itself suggests the presence of some kind of mystery. In an article published in the November 2002 issue of the British magazine The Fortean Times, researcher Steve Marshall suggested that Gaussmann's report was merely an inaccurate account of an actual and well-documented inspection of the site by Colonel Maurice Sheehan, Director of the Far East Department of Trans World Airline.

Sheehan's report appeared in the March 28, 1947, issue of The New York Times and was titled "US Air Force Pilot's Report on a Huge Chinese Pyramid in a Remote Mountainous Area in Southwest Xi'an." Since all the previously mentioned "pyramid-tombs" are located strictly north and east of Xi'an, Shihan's report suggests that he found another, much more impressive one. According to Sheehan, the pyramid he saw appears to be "small compared to those in Egypt." Here's how the article put it: "He estimates it to be about 1,000 feet high and 1,500 feet wide at its base. According to him, the pyramid is located in the foothills of the Qinling Range, about 65 km from the provincial capital of Xi'an. The second pyramid, as follows from his story, was much smaller than the first. This huge structure, continues Colonel Sheehan, is located at the far end of a fairly long valley in a remote place. At the opposite end of the valley are hundreds of burial mounds. They, according to the colonel, can be seen from the canvas railway laid nearby. A similar story also appeared in the Los Angeles Times under the heading “Giant Pyramid in Western China. According to a report by a Southland Air employee (also March 28, 1947) and in the Chicago Daily News. According to an article published in the English-language North China Daily News on March 31, the size of the pyramid was determined by simply comparing it with the size of a nearby village.

Sheehan also notes the following: “When I first flew around her, I was struck by her clear pyramidal shape and huge size. But during the war years, I simply didn’t think about it, partly because it seemed incredible that no one in the world knew about something so huge. From the air, we noticed only a few paths that led from the pyramid to the nearby village. It also follows from this text that the colonel saw this building a few years before the publication of his report, during the war years.

On March 30, 1947, a photograph appeared in the New York Sunday News. True, the published photo was cropped so that it did not bear the name of the newspaper agency that took it - "NEA Telephoto"; it was preserved in other photographs printed later. However, the photograph did not match Sheehan's description of the "White Pyramid". In addition, he said that the pyramid is located at the foot of a mountain range, and in the photo the building is located on a flat plain. What to do about it? On the one hand, it seems that Shihan saw the already known pyramid field located near Xi'an, but did not accurately determine its location. But on the other hand, there may be some mystery behind all this, which is reflected in the title of Hausdorff's book and the title of Marshall's article from the Fortean Times.

Chris Meyer also studied dozens of aerial photos and found several more pyramids, but they are not where the White Pyramid is supposed to be. They lie to the northwest of Xi'an, none of them located in the mountainous area south of the provincial capital, where Shihan places the building he saw. And all the pyramids lie on flat open ground. Worse, Mayer determined that where Sheehan said he had seen the White Pyramid, there was no level ground at all on which to place it.

When Mayer finally got to visit Xi'an, he surveyed the area, comparing it to the famous 1947 black-and-white photograph from the New York Sunday News, and came to the conclusion that it depicted ... the Maolin Mausoleum. In addition, he caught the eye of a tourist guide on English language called Xi'an. Historical Landmarks”, published in 2002. In the section about Maolin, he read the following: “In the 1930s, an American pilot photographed the Maolin mausoleum, believing that he discovered a pyramid in China.” Thus, despite the large list of errors in dating (in this edition in English, the numbers and dates are very often mixed up), apparently, this book puts an end to the debate about what was depicted in that 1947 photograph.

But has everything been explained? Was Shihan wrong or not? In a personal correspondence with Leslie Carlson, in one of his letters, Sheehan suggested that the publication had inaccurately named the dimensions of the pyramid he saw. In his opinion, it would be correct to indicate its height within 500 feet, and this is already quite consistent with the structures that we spoke about above. But one problem remains: Sheehan insisted that the object he saw was northwest of the city. Maybe he was wrong here too? It doesn't look like much. Shihan pointed to a specific location - at the foot of the Qinling Range, 50 km from the provincial capital. Mayer also studied this area, but did not find any pyramid in satellite photographs. When he flew away from Xi'an, the plane flew just over the area where the "White Pyramid" was allegedly located. The explorer never managed to notice a valley large enough to erect such a structure on it. Looks like the end of the debate?

By the way, back on April 1, 1947, the Los Angeles Times published the following article: “The report about the giant pyramid in China is called a mistake. Nanjing, March 31 (Associated Press) - The Central News Agency reported today that the provincial government officially announced: "After careful study, it has been proven that the report of the discovery of a giant pyramid in Shaanxi Province has no basis." Maybe we're dealing with an April Fool's joke too soon? Or was April 1st a pure coincidence? Perhaps the refusal to acknowledge the existence of the pyramid should be seen as an April Fool's joke? Not very successful, I must say. Something is not clear. Moreover, three weeks later, the North China Daily published a large article: a report on a lecture on the history of the city of Xi'an, which was held on April 24 by the Royal Asiatic Society. During the discussion, the question of the pyramid was raised, but the conversation quickly faded. So, it's an April Fool's joke, then? Or an example of the amazing stubbornness of some interested persons who deny the existence of the pyramid and thereby indirectly prove that it still exists somewhere?

Say what you like, but the history of the "White Pyramid" is still a mystery. It is extremely unlikely that the pyramid could be where Colonel Sheehan points out. Therefore, the story about it can really turn out to be just a hoax, which was reinforced by the original photograph taken somewhere close to other pyramids. Subsequently, it seems that Casey either invented it himself, or somewhere he came across a revised version of this story, in which Sheehan turned into a kind of "James Gaussman." What can you say here? Maybe these names are similar if they are perceived by ear, but not enough to confuse them. I'm not saying that Casey came up with everything himself, but the intelligence agencies are known for very often copying articles from newspapers, changing details and then presenting them as "top secret information." Why do they need it? In short, this happens because the employees of these same services are mainly engaged in only this: they read local newspapers, process information and hang up the “Top Secret” stamp on it, thereby creating the illusion among officials from Washington that they are not sitting at all behind the scenes. tables and do not read local newspapers, but, on the contrary, secretly meet with their agents at secret appearances. If this is so, then we can say that in the case of the White Pyramid we are dealing with a falsified report of the spy agency or an April Fool's joke (as you like), as well as an observational error made by Colonel Maurice Sheehan. Well, if there is no Great White Pyramid in China, we at least know that there are other real pyramids there.

But ... there is always this "but"! When journalist Julie Byron wrote an article about the Mysteries of the Pyramids, she went on the trail of Colonel Sheehan's son, Donald. The journalist asked him what his father had seen, and he told her that the Colonel had indeed seen the pyramid before the newspapers appeared, and that several high-ranking airline officials were with him on the 1947 flight. The purpose of that mission was to obtain from local authorities the right to fly airline aircraft over Chinese territory. Donald Sheehan was convinced that the photographs of the structure he saw were taken by his father or one of those who accompanied him. However, the son reviewed all his father's papers, but did not find a photo of the pyramid. However, Donald found three unsigned newspaper clippings that mentioned that Colonel Sheehan was flying at low altitude, specifically to photograph the area. And two of the clippings said that the colonel kept these photos at his house; the same was asserted in an article from the North China Daily of 31 March. Some of the newspaper clippings contained photographs that belonged to the NEA agency (Newspape Enterprise Association), but Sheehan's son could not claim that they were taken by his father or that they depicted the very building that caused so much controversy.

As for NEA, it is known for another very famous photo: "Meteorological probe from Roswell". An inquisitive reader will surely remember that this photograph was at the center of the discussion about the possible crash of an alien ship in the state of New Mexico, which allegedly occurred there ... in early 1947. An interesting coincidence, isn't it?

In general, it seems that Hausdorff set himself the task of turning the White Pyramid into an even bigger myth than it really is. In particular, Steve Marshall was deeply disappointed by Hausdorff's statement that, according to his calculations, the height of the pyramid is 300 m. This was said in a radio interview that he gave to American journalist Laura Lee in 1997 during a Florida) World Conference of Ancient Astronautics. Forced to confirm such things, which Hausdorff no doubt said in a fit of enthusiasm, not guided by scientific data, Marshall continues to rush about with this statement “like a written bag”, instead of one day giving him a principled assessment and moving on. And the fundamental assessment is as follows: Hausdorff is the man who proclaimed the beginning of the New Age of Pyramids in China. He is a pioneer in the study of the Chinese pyramids, and he, like any pioneer, has some quite forgivable shortcomings and mistakes. Ten years after that interview, thousands of tourists can (although rarely use this opportunity) come to China themselves and see all these amazing structures. So, over these monuments of history, a strip of a new dawn has finally dawned. However, all this is still only "early morning".

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In the middle of the 20th century, information appeared that in China there are some mysterious pyramids, whose height is twice that of Egypt. This was found out thanks to pictures from space satellites. Now these Chinese pyramids are under strict protection and are a landmark of China. But it is no longer a secret to anyone that the White Pyramid is located in the central part of Shanxi province. . At one time, the photograph of a pilot from the United States, who was the first to capture these amazing structures, gained fame. But for half a century, this photograph was classified.

Researchers believe that, at least until the mid-sixties, the pyramids could be visited quite freely. Surprisingly, in those years, for some reason, the people of science were not at all interested in these incredible objects. It seems that scientists from all over the world, by some strange agreement, simply ignored these pyramids. Although for the first time modern people learned about them at the beginning of the last century.

This information came from a businessman from Germany, Mayer Schroeder, who in those years traveled for his commercial needs in China. One fine day, he was following the border with Mongolia when his guide said that they would soon meet the pyramids. To Schroeder's question about the age of these objects, the monk answered that in ancient books, whose age is five thousand years, it is said that these pyramids have been standing here since time immemorial.

Significant contribution to research mysterious pyramids contributed by German archaeologist Hartwing Hausdorff . But for a long time, the Chinese authorities simply did not allow the researcher to these objects.

The first time Hausdorff got into the Valley of the Pyramids was only in 1997. But he was only allowed to inspect the pyramids, without any serious examinations. He was forced to wait a few more years for permission to carry out more detailed work.

In China, it is generally accepted that these structures acted as the tombs of the rulers. But their number greatly exceeds the possible number of Chinese emperors. And these territories still remain inaccessible to most of the world's archaeologists. Therefore, researchers are left to study these objects only from photographs.

In China, scientists from abroad are still treated with great distrust. But in the fall of 1966, researchers from the United States still managed to organize an expedition headed to the area of ​​the pyramids. But as luck would have it, at the same time, the famous “cultural revolution” happened in China. As a result, the Red Guards began to destroy archaeological and cultural monuments with great enthusiasm. In the province of Shaanxi, these thugs smashed the library - it contained written sources that described the builders of these structures. For this reason, research has again reached a dead end.

There are many objects in the world cultural heritage, whose origin and purpose remains a mystery to this day. The most famous pyramids of three countries - Egypt, Mexico and China. But there is a certain difference between them in the knowledge gained, because if access to the first two tombs is open for researchers, then some Chinese pyramids can only be accessed with a special permit, and they are protected by law.

Secrets of the Chinese pyramids

The Chinese pyramids are superior to the Egyptian and Mexican ones both in number and in height. Passage to some of them is officially open, but getting to them is very problematic due to the presence of closed military and strategic zones on the way to the facilities. However, such secrecy alarms more than one generation of scientists. It is likely that the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom themselves were able to get to the bottom of the truth and do not want to betray the secret knowledge of the public.

Chinese pyramids: photo

Despite the colossal height of the Chinese pyramids, it is unrealistic to see them from space. Why are they so carefully hidden from the eyes of scientists from Europe? What secret does this hold? ancient heritage ancestors?

The Chinese themselves have legends, according to which the pyramids are evidence of the contact of ancient people with extraterrestrial races. According to legend, these structures were built by people who descended from heaven on dragons made of iron and breathing fire. And the ancient emperors, who ruled before our era, claimed that they themselves were the descendants of these very guests from the distant Cosmos.

Great Chinese Pyramid

For some time, the pyramids were available to the inhabitants without special permission. So, a nomad discovered several buildings near the city of Sichuan. The sides of the pyramids have a regular geometric shape, and the absence of peaks unites them with structures in Mexico.

Chinese pyramids: why are they hidden?

Why do the Chinese guard ancient buildings so carefully? They probably unraveled the nature of the origin of the pyramids. Indeed, even in some Chinese legends a description of aliens who had blond hair and blue eyes is indicated. According to legend, the pyramids are evidence of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence in past eras.

Immediately after the war, American pilots, who inadvertently stumbled upon ancient buildings in, took several high-quality aerial photographs of ancient structures. According to the conclusions of the Pentagon researchers, the height of the largest pyramid is more than 300 m, which is 2 times more than that of the Cheops pyramid known in Egypt.

An interesting fact is that most of these buildings are located in places that are most adapted to agricultural work. The government of the Celestial Empire for quite a long time hid the very fact that the most important historical artifacts were located on the territory of the country. Only at the beginning of the 21st century did China officially confirm the existence of more than 410 pyramids in the country!

white chinese pyramid

The mysteries hidden by the main, 300-meter White Pyramid shake the minds of scientists who were lucky enough to visit the site. Yes, known historical fact that more than 800.000 workers. But about 600,000 died under rather strange circumstances. A dead end in the study is the fact that the bones of different people are scattered at decent distances, which is more like an explosion that could cause a disaster.

white chinese pyramid

What is the true purpose of the Chinese pyramids? Scientists build a variety of assumptions. The theory of planetary communication, the transmitter of which was the Earth, sounds fantastic. With the help of similar conical structures located on Mars, as well as in Egypt, it is possible to amplify sound and light signals. The mystery of these ancient structures has yet to be unraveled.

Chinese pyramids: video

The first picture of the pyramid was taken during the 2nd World War by the American pilot D. Gausman. Returning from another operation, the engine of his plane began to malfunction. This led to the fact that he lost height, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Chinese plains, a strange structure appeared to his eyes.

It was a gigantic building, which struck the imagination with its grandeur and grandeur. The pilot, taking advantage of this luck, quickly took photographs of the structure and attached them to his report to the highest federal services of America.

Later, in the 60s, the Chinese pyramids were accidentally discovered by aviator Bruce Kati from New Zealand. He found the diaries of merchants from Australia who made an excursion to Shanxi province at the beginning of the 20th century. From their notes, he realized that they had also identified mysterious structures in the central part of China. Having collected all the data, Katy made a sketch of 16 pyramids located near the city of Qiyan.

And only in the spring of 1994, an archaeologist from Austria, Hartwig Hausdorff, received official permission from the Chinese authorities to travel to areas closed to tourists. First he discovered 6 giant pyramids. Later, upon his arrival in China in the fall of that year, he filmed a short documentary about them. His surprise knew no bounds when, while watching these videos, he revealed more than a hundred pyramids in the distance!

Most of the pyramids are concentrated in the Qianyan region. The territory where they are located is mostly deserted, agricultural work is constantly being carried out on it. Some pyramids are located in the immediate vicinity of the city - already a mile from it, the archaeologist noticed a structure of the correct geometric shape, about 70 meters high.

Hausdorff found that from the top of this pyramid, 17 similar structures can be seen, arranged in rows, in pairs or separately. A few miles from this "city of elevations", the archaeologist discovered another cone-shaped structure with a flat top. He found in it striking similarities with the Mexican pyramid called Teotihuacan.

Officially, the government confirmed the existence of about 400 pyramids in China only in 2000. The largest of them was called the "Great White". Small structures have been recognized as burial mounds, although most scholars believe that the first Chinese pyramids previously acted as energy conduits and were of extraterrestrial origin.

Valley of the Pyramids of China

This section of the Chinese plain is a complex valley on which the pyramids are located. It extends near the city of Xi'an and includes a giant complex of structures interconnected. The length of the Valley of the Pyramids is about 50 km, and in its shape it resembles the Milky Way.

The first and most amazing pyramid of the Valley is called the Maolin Mausoleum. It was here that archaeologists found thousands of clay statues of merchants, ancient warriors and peasants. But, scientists have not found a single sign indicating that this building is the tomb of the emperor.

Absolutely all the pyramids are built from natural material - clay rock called "loess". The structures have a square or rectangular base, and some of them are set on small mounds or platforms about three meters high. Individual pyramids have many steps, the height of which is about a meter or two, but there are constructions of a smooth shape, without any ledges.

Of particular importance in the Valley of the Pyramids is Yasen Park. It is located at a distance of 15 km from Xi'an and consists of 20 monolithic buildings. When examining the pyramids, it turned out that they also never were the tombs of ancient emperors, since they do not have an internal space.

The uniqueness of the Yasen Park is that all its pyramids are exact indicators of the cardinal points and have the same shape with a truncated top. The largest three elevations of the valley form an interesting schematic arrangement, very reminiscent of the plan for building the pyramids in Egypt.

The Chinese pyramids of the valley are very ancient, in a deplorable state and have significant damage. The locals did not attach much value to these buildings, often using their land in the cultivation of fields and on their farms.

The first of them were erected in 1032. BC during the period of power of the ancient eastern rulers of the Xia clan. Now the pyramids require reconstruction, as many of them are covered with deep cracks, badly damaged and close to final disappearance.

Mysterious White Pyramid

All the pyramids of the Celestial Empire have common feature- their height ranges from 25-100 meters. Only one building is unique in its size, which is located near the Jia Lin River and has a height of about 300 meters - almost 2 times more than the pyramid of Cheops. This is the Great White Pyramid, majestic, gigantic, striking in its appearance and royalty.

Scientists suggest that the White Pyramid is the tomb of the great emperor of the Qin dynasty. During its construction, about 700 thousand people died, and their remains were laid in the walls of the structure and rammed with multi-ton layers of earth. An amazing discovery was the location of the remains - the bones were randomly mixed, as if the bodies of the builders were torn apart before death.

Upon further study, a version appeared that the dead servants of the emperor did not erect a pyramid, but only cut a long tunnel leading inside the room. The opening of the White Pyramid, during which a powerful explosion occurred, took place in 200 BC. The ancient builders did not just open it - during the entrance, a high-tech mechanism laid down by an ancient civilization was destroyed.

Why are the Chinese silent?

The pyramids are carefully hidden - their faces are densely planted with fast-growing tree species that hide buildings from prying eyes. This disguise allowed the Chinese to keep it a secret for a long time, claiming that it was just hills and mountains. On some of the ancient structures, local residents cultivated rice crops, the rest were densely overgrown with forests.

More recently, China has declared the area where the White Pyramid is located, closed area, inaccessible to foreign tourists and researchers. The government of this country has built a base on the territory near the hills to launch rockets and satellites into space. Archaeologists and scientists from other countries are also not allowed to the pyramids, believing that only Chinese archaeologists of the next generation will explore these constructions.

The secret of the Chinese pyramids is reliably protected by the state, not giving the slightest chance to researchers. What are the Chinese trying to hide, what are they afraid of? Some scientists believe that the Chinese authorities do not want to study the pyramids, as they are very afraid to find ancient manuscripts there that will completely change our understanding of the creation of the Earth.

Recently, strong magnetic fields have been discovered in the Black Bamboo Valley. This zone is located in the Chinese settlement of Jilin, not far from the plains where the pyramids rise. In these mysterious places people disappear, aircraft crash and the compass needle wanders erratically. People, getting into this place, experience lapses in memory and do not orient themselves in space.

This suggests some kind of extraterrestrial force that erects barriers, protecting the pyramids from outside visitors. It can be assumed that this unusual place belongs to a civilization of aliens who possibly control all of its processes.

It is also assumed that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire keep the Chinese pyramids secret for another reason. Most likely, the government of this country does not have a firm belief that these majestic buildings belong to Chinese culture. There is a version that the ancient pyramids were built not by the Chinese, but by mysterious alien creatures who left them unique technologies and materials of extraterrestrial civilizations as a gift.

Sons of Heaven or Martians?

According to an ancient Chinese legend, the pyramids are evidence of a visit to our Earth by alien beings. According to legend, at the beginning of the century, two merchants from Australia traveled to the Sichuan plains and discovered more than a hundred Chinese pyramids. The old monk told the merchants that these buildings belong to the era of the reign of emperors, confident in the existence of extraterrestrial worlds.

The ancient manuscripts of the emperors indicate that the pyramids were built more than 5 thousand centuries ago. In addition, the rulers testified that they were the heirs of the "Sons of Heaven", who flew to the planet on huge roaring iron dragons. They were the builders of the pyramids.

There are suggestions that aliens from other planets, maybe from Mars, were involved in the construction of the pyramids. This was confirmed by satellite images of the Martian relief, which clearly shows elevations of unknown origin, shaped like white pyramid.

The energy power of the pyramids

According to scientists' hypotheses, the largest Chinese pyramids are interconnected and perform a special function. It is known that if you build in different parts of the planet electronic stations of the same power, their streams can be transmitted through the globe.

And maybe these ancient elevations were built precisely for the transmission of signals or impulses, and their location is directly related to a certain electronic process.

A version has appeared that, in all likelihood, if you are located inside the pyramid in a certain place, its special design allows you to keep in touch and transmit thoughts over long distances. Contacts could go beyond the planet, allowing you to communicate with alien civilizations. But all this is only speculation, while scientists do not have real answers to all questions.

Earthquake opened three pyramids

Of course, the easiest way would be not to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and attribute them to fiction. However, the mystery of the Chinese pyramids combines many more inexplicable events that occurred in reality. In 1959, a powerful earthquake occurred near the city of Wuhan, which affected the change in the relief in this area. During the disaster, part of the rocks shifted and three cone-shaped elevations were opened to the eye - giant pyramids 45 thousand years old!

The scientists of China managed to get inside the pyramid and through its passages, resembling a labyrinth, they passed into a huge hall, the vaults of which were painted with ancient drawings. Researchers were struck by some of the images - one of them clearly shows people chasing the beast. And above them, in a round-shaped aircraft, creatures are depicted in decoration that is very reminiscent of modern clothes!

A drawing was also discovered confirming the knowledge of ancient people about space. On the wall, 10 planets of the solar system were clearly depicted in a certain sequence, and Mars and Earth were united in a ring. This suggests that in ancient times there was some kind of connection between these planets, but what exactly is unclear.

Scientists are of the opinion that the location of the Chinese pyramids forms a complex pattern that astronomers can easily decipher. If you put all the structures on a map of the starry sky, the outlines of the mysterious constellation of Chinese mythology Cygnus are formed - ancient symbol eternal life.

Inexplicable events, fantastic legends and mystery shroud the pyramids in dense haze, the creation and essence of which are still under the hood of secrecy. Perhaps China is carefully hiding the "eighth wonder of the world" for reasons known only to him.

One thing is clear - these mysterious structures are an integral part of the Universe, having solved them, humanity will rise to a new stage of thinking and development, discover unique opportunities, and, perhaps, even the secret of immortality.

205 years ago, the Creek War between the United States and a group of Creek Indians known as the Red Sticks ended with the signing of the peace treaty at Fort Jackson. The Americans defeated the part of this people disloyal to the whites and annexed about 85 thousand square meters. km of Indian territory.

The victory over the screams allowed the commander of the US troops, General Andrew Jackson, to concentrate his forces on combat operations against the British, whom he defeated in the New Orleans area. Great Britain stopped the war with the Americans and made a number of territorial concessions. As President of the United States, Jackson expelled from the territories east of the Mississippi not only the Creeks, but also the Indian tribes who fought in this war on his side.

General Andrew Jackson and Upper Creek Chief William Witherford after the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. 1814 © Wikimedia Commons

On August 9, 1814, a peace treaty was signed at Fort Jackson, ending the Creek War between the American army and a group of Creek Indians known as the Red Sticks. In accordance with the agreement, about 85 thousand square meters. km of Creek lands were transferred to the US government and the Cherokee tribe, an ally of the Americans in this war.

White colonizers

The Indians who inhabited the southeastern territories of the modern United States, before the arrival of whites in America, built big cities, erected large earthen architectural structures, were engaged in agriculture, and made metal products. They created a socially complex society.

As noted in an interview with RT, an academician of the Academy of Political Sciences of the Russian Federation, head of the department of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov Andrey Koshkin, “Indian peoples living on the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico were not far from creating their own statehood, like that, which was among the inhabitants of Central and South America.

“However, their natural development was affected by the appearance of white colonialists in the 16th century, who brought diseases to which the Indians had no immunity. In addition, the Native Americans were embroiled in the struggle between the various European states", - said the expert.

Colonists and screams

One of the most powerful Indian peoples in the region were the Creeks (Muskogee), who lived in the territory of the modern American states of Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Creeks came into conflict with the British settlers who invaded their lands. However, in May 1718, the Creek leader Brim declared that his people would remain neutral with respect to all European colonialists and did not intend to take sides in the emerging conflicts.

For several decades, the policy of neutrality and good neighborliness brought economic bonuses to the Creeks. They traded buckskin with white settlers and adopted modern farming practices. There were mixed marriages between the colonizers and the Indians. According to Creek customs, the children belonged to the mother's clan. Therefore, children born from the unions of white merchants or planters with Indian women, the Muscogees considered their fellow tribesmen and tried to bring them up according to Indian customs.

The balance in the southeastern part of the North American continent was upset during the Seven Years' War and the American War of Independence. During the struggle of the British with the French, the screams supported the British, hoping that the colonial administration would protect them from the arbitrariness of the colonists. During the Revolutionary War, most of the Muscovites were on the side of the British king, as American settlers constantly tried to seize their lands. In addition, the Creeks collaborated with the Spanish in fighting the Americans.

In 1786, the Muscogee took up arms against the white settlers who invaded their territory. The US authorities initiated negotiations that ended in 1790 with the signing of the New York Treaty. The Creeks transferred much of their land to the United States and returned fugitive black slaves to American planters. In exchange for this, the US authorities undertook to recognize the sovereignty of the Muscovites over the lands that remained with them and expel white settlers from them.

The first US president, George Washington, developed a plan for the peaceful coexistence of Americans with neighboring Indian peoples. The United States respected the right to sovereignty of the so-called civilized tribes, who recognized private property, lived in houses and were engaged in agriculture. The first of these peoples were just screams.

Washington appointed Benjamin Hawkins Inspector General of Indian Affairs. He settled on the border, negotiated with the leaders of the screams and created a plantation on which he taught the Muscovites the latest agricultural technologies. A number of Creek chiefs, under the influence of Hawkins, became wealthy planters. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Indians ceded a large plot of land to the state of Georgia and allowed a federal road to be laid through their territory.

Anglo-American War and Tecumseh

In 1768, in the territory of modern Ohio, a boy named Tecumseh was born in the family of one of the leaders of the Shawnee Indian people. His ancestors were from the Creek aristocracy, therefore, having matured, he began to maintain close relations with the Muscogees. When the boy was only six years old, his father was killed by American settlers who violated the terms of the peace treaty with the Indians. As a teenager, Tecumseh took part in battles with soldiers of the US Army, and then replaced his dead older brother as a Shawnee military leader.

Over time, Tecumseh created a powerful tribal association to protect the Indians from the Americans. In 1812, when the US attacked the British colonies in Canada, the leader made an alliance with the British. For his victories, he was promoted to Brigadier General in the British Army.

Anglo-American War 1812-1815 © Wikimedia commons

“The British skillfully intrigued and were able to win over the Indians to their side. Americans generally treated the Indians badly, even then professing the principle that General Philip Sheridan would later formulate - “a good Indian is a dead Indian,” historian and writer Alexei Styopkin said in a commentary on RT.

The detachments of Tecumseh played a decisive role in the capture of Detroit and in a number of other battles. However, in 1813 the command of the British army in Canada changed, and the British officers became indecisive and cautious. During one of the battles, the British fled from the battlefield, leaving the Indians face to face with the Americans. Tecumseh was killed.

Creek War

At that time, the Muscovite faction acted against the Americans, advocating the restoration of old Indian traditions. She was nicknamed the Red Sticks because of the tradition of painting her battle clubs with red paint, symbolizing war.

Creek traditionalists were outraged that American colonists were encroaching on and taking over tribal lands. They were also dissatisfied with the conciliatory position of some of their fellow tribesmen, who, for the sake of peace with the United States, were ready to make any concessions and abandoned the Muscogean customs. The Red Sticks' fighting units joined Tecumseh's forces from time to time.

In the autumn of 1813, internal friction among the Creeks escalated into civil war. Residents of pro-American and anti-American villages raided each other. For some time, the conflict was predominantly intra-tribal in nature. During the fighting, only a few white settlers who seized Indian lands were killed.

On July 27, 1813, the American authorities sent a detachment of soldiers under the command of Colonel James Koller to destroy a group of Red Sticks who went to collect ammunition in the Spanish colonies in Florida. The military attacked the Creeks in the area of ​​Burnt Corn Bay, the Indians retreated. But when the Americans began to plunder the cargo they were accompanying, the Muscogees returned and defeated the US Army detachment.

On August 30, the Red Sticks attacked Fort Mims, where they killed and captured about 500 mestizos, white settlers and their fellow tribesmen loyal to the United States. Indian attacks on American fortresses sowed panic in the United States. The authorities threw against the Red Sticks the army and militias of Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee under the command of local politician Andrew Jackson, as well as detachments of allied Cherokee Indians and Creeks who remained on the side of the Americans.

The forces of the Red Sticks numbered about 4 thousand soldiers, who had only 1 thousand guns. The largest detachment they assembled during the war consisted of about 1.3 thousand Indians.

The main battles unfolded in the area of ​​the Tennessee River. Back in November 1813, Jackson's troops destroyed a group of Red Sticks, along with women and children, at the Battle of Tallushatchee. Having received reinforcements from the soldiers of the regular army, he began to advance into the territory controlled by the Indians.

On March 27, 1814, Jackson's detachment of about 3.5 thousand people, reinforced by artillery, attacked the Creek village, in which there were about 1 thousand soldiers of the Red Sticks. About 800 Indian fighters were killed, the rest withdrew to Florida, taking with them the wounded leader Menawa.

Battle of the Horseshoe Bend. 1814 © Wikimedia Commons

Another leader of the Red Sticks, half-breed William Witherford (Red Eagle), decided that it was useless to resist, and capitulated.

On August 9, 1814, a peace treaty was signed at Fort Jackson. As a result, the US authorities took away the land from both the Red Sticks and those screams that fought on the side of the United States.

Taking advantage of the fact that the screams no longer posed a threat to the United States, Jackson sent his troops against the British, who were in the New Orleans area, and defeated them. In February 1815, Great Britain ceased hostilities against the United States in North America. London was forced to make a series of territorial concessions to the Americans.

With victories over the Creeks and the British, Jackson became a popular political figure. He became a senator from Tennessee and received the military governorship of Florida. And in 1829 he was elected president of the United States.

At the same time, Jackson refused the guarantees that Washington gave to the civilized Indian tribes. On his initiative, the US Congress passed the Indian Removal Act.

In the dry regions west of the Mississippi, not only the Creeks and other civilized Indian peoples were expelled, but also the Cherokee, who fought under Jackson's command. During the deportation, called the "road of tears", thousands of Indians died from disease and deprivation.

"Road of Tears" - Forced Relocation of Indians ©

As Andrei Koshkin notes, “in the 19th century, the territory of the United States expanded several times due to a cascade of forced annexations.”

“It was natural robbery and genocide. Territories were taken from both the indigenous population and from neighboring states, in particular from Mexico. Washington was not interested in the opinion of the inhabitants of these lands. They were confronted with the fact that now it is the territory of the United States, and those who were indignant were destroyed or driven into reservations, ”the expert noted.

According to Koshkin, "at times this was done under the slogan of protecting civilization and democracy, but in reality the Americans were only interested in gold and fertile land."